
Simple marketplace app with user registration, cart and checkout

Primary LanguageRuby

Homemade Marketplace App

This is a simple marketplace app, made using Ruby, Rails and a few gems like Devise, Cloudinary and Postgres Search.

The app was generated with lewagon/rails-templates, and it was made as one of the final projects for Le Wagon's coding bootcamp.

Project specifications

  • Ruby v. 2.6.5
  • Gems dependencies: 'bootstrap', 'devise, 'cloudinary', 'pg', 'pg-search', 'webpack', 'faker', 'autoprefixer-rails', 'font-awesome-sass' and 'simple_form' gems.
  • Configuration: environment configs can be found at config/webpack/ and services at config/database.yml and config/storage.yml files.
  • Database creation: rails db:create
  • Database initialization: rails db:migrate. Run rails db:seed to populate the database with fake product and user data.
  • Deployment instructions: after running database commands, run git push heroku master and heroku run rails db:migrate to send project to Heroku.

Visit Homemade app at https://homemade-thayvf.herokuapp.com/.