
Frontend Mentor REST Countries API with color theme switcher challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher

I took this challenge from Frontend Mentor to practice my React and Javascript skills.

The challenge

I should integrate with the REST Countries API to pull country data and display it like the images provided inside the designs folder. For this purpose, I chose React and played around with React Hooks, Fetch API and styled-components. I also had to style and think about interaction behaviors with nearly no design specs, only fonts and colors.

Visit the final app at https://rest-countries-api.firebaseapp.com/.

How to run locally

  • Clone this repo in your terminal git@github.com:txago/rest-countries-api.git and open the project folder cd/rest-countries-api.
  • Make sure you have Node.js installed and your favorite package manager, like npm or yarn.
  • Start the app in development mode with npm start or yarn start and open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.