
Is "Inequity Level" the best measurement?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The data in the map right now shows a ratio of "1" whenever the racial disparity fails a statistical significance test. That was an awkward compromise to address the problem of outliers in sparsely-populated districts, and I'd feel more comfortable changing it somehow.

Also, the definition of the term "Inequity Level" on the map doesn't explain that aspect of the calculation. To switch to a version of the data that shows the real ratio in those cases, use "ratioDistrictNones.csv" instead of "ratioDistrictSignificant.csv".

The data for "Economically disadvantaged" students is garbage, which is why it was left off of the map.

I'm also not sure about the term "Inequity level". We can't really prove what's equitable or not. I'd prefer something like "Disparity in punishment, compared to districtwide average" or even just "Disparity index".

I think we've addressed this in the new Fischer measure, updated legend and scaling. Let's reopen if this needs further attention.