I work as Python Dev and DevOps for 10+ years. Vim is my main editor, this repo is the configuration for it.
- work on Ubuntu/Debian Linux and macOS
- use builtin vim pack feature to manage plugins
- plugins are optional
- keep it lightweight and minimal, only use necessary config and plugins
- keep it general for both macOS and Ubuntu
- keep it updated, never stop to absorb new ideas and tools
- keep it easy to use, use most reasonable and handy shortcuts
On Ubuntu or macOS, open a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/guoqiao/vimrc.git ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
make apt # run apt to install deps, for debian/ubuntu
# make brew # run brew to install deps, for mac or ubuntu with homebrew installed
make plugins # optional: install or update plugins if you need plugins
If you don't want plugins, just rm vimrc.plugins
, or comment out the lines at end of vimrc
- map
, so you don't need to press shift for:
each time 0
to line begin,<Space>
to line end
Leader key is ,
in this vimrc. Related shortcuts:
- remove search result highlight: [leader] + h
- search and replace text: visual select, then [leader] + r to replace
- vim-easymotion: [leader][leader] + w
- edit vimrc: [leader] + ev
- NERD-Commenter: [leader] + ci or ctrl + /
- open current repo line(s) in github/gitlab/bitbucket:
[leader] + gh
- tn: new tab
- tc: close tab
- to: keep only current tab/close all other tabs
- th: move to left tab
- tl: move to right tab
- tm: move tab to last
- open split in NerdTree with
on file. - move around splits: ctrl + ww, or ctrl + [hjkl]
- NERDTree:
to toggle tree,ff
to find file in tree(reveal),m + [acd]
to add/copy/delete file on tree - tagbar:
, toggle tags - CtrlP: Ctrl + p, search files
- Emmet: Ctrl + y + , expand emmet to html
- vim-indent-object: vii, select text in current indent level
- vim-multiple-cursors: ctrl + n for next, ctrl + b for prev, ctrl + x to skip, esc
- tabular: :Tab/=, = is the char to align
- rm trailing whitespaces:
- vim-gh-line: open current code line(s) in browser on github