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English 简体中文

Paper Summary

  • Auxiliary Reversible Branch (Training only)

    Maintenance of complete information by introducing reversible architecture, but adding main branch to reversible architecture will consume a lot of inference costs.

    'Reversible' is not the only necessary condition in the inference stage.

  • Multi-level Auxiliary Information (Training only)

    Each feature pyramid should to receive information about all target objects. Multi-level auxiliary information is then to aggregate the gradient information containing all target objects, and pass it to the main branch and then update parameters.

  • GELAN Block


Model Structure overview

Train model structure

This structure based on models/detect/yolov9.yaml.

train_structure train_structure
Train model structure Train model structure (in paper)

The Auxiliary Reversible Branch and the Multi-level Auxiliary Information exists only in training mode, they help backbone achieve better performance. In this stage, the forward propagation outputs is [16, 19, 22, 31, 34, 37], and the outputs will into Detect head. By the [31, 34, 37] predict and GT label, the model can get more detail gradients information to help the[#5, #7, #9] blocks to update weights. So despite those branch will dropout in inference mode, the backbone have more rubust weights.

Inference model structure

This structure based on models/detect/gelan.yaml. Actually, this model is derived from pruning of the Train model (models/detect/yolov9.yaml).

     models/detect/gelan.yaml   <--->   models/detect/yolov9.yaml 
    models/detect/gelan-c.yaml  <--->  models/detect/yolov9-c.yaml
    models/detect/gelan-e.yaml  <--->  models/detect/yolov9-e.yaml


The model structure is similar to the previous version when inference mode. Note the re-parameter and GELAN blocks.

Through Detect Head (mainly NMS and some others) we can get the object detection results.

Blocks detail

  • Silence models.common.Silence: Do nothing. It's only use to provide source input data for Auxiliary Reversible Branch.

  • CBS models.common.Conv: Conv2d + BatchNorm2d + SiLU (Default act)

    Note: The BN layer can re-parameter when inference. (ref: RepVGG)

  • ELAN models.common.RepNCSPELAN4:

    train_structure image-20240229151320013
    RepNCSPELAN4 Block RepNCSPELAN4 (GELAN in paper)
    train_structure train_structure
    RepNCSP Block RepNBottleNeck
  • ELAN-SPP models.common.SPPELAN:

  • ADown models.common.ADown:

    This block replaces a part of CBS inyolov9-c.yaml and yolov9-e.yaml.

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