
Primary LanguageJava

Java EE starter project

Project is based on Maven, thus import project to IntelliJ IDEA by:

  • File -> Open... -> pick pom.xml file.

Application Server configuration

TomEE (Apache)

Short version:

  1. Download WebProfile, ZIP from: http://tomee.apache.org/downloads.html
  2. Unzip
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA: register "TomEE Server" -> local:
    • Press "Fix", choose "exploded war" as artifact
  4. Run the server, project should start successfully.

Long version: TomEE and IntelliJ IDEA


  1. Download WebProfile from: http://www.payara.fish/all_downloads
  2. Unzip
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA: register "GlassFish Server" -> local:
    • Choose "Server Domain": payaradomain
    • Press "Fix", choose "exploded war"
    • Press "Fix" again to update debugger settings
  4. Run the server, project should start successfully.

WildFly (RedHat)

  1. Download ZIP "Java EE7 Full & Web Distribution" from: [http://wildfly.org/downloads/]
  2. Unzip
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA: register "JBoss Server" -> local:
    • Press "Fix", choose "exploded war"
  4. Run the server, project should start successfully.

WAS Liberty (IBM)

  1. Download and unzip: WAS Liberty
  2. Run: wlp/bin/server create
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA: register "WebSphere Server" -> local:
    • Press "Fix" to enable JMX
    • Press "Fix" again, choose "exploded war" as artifact
    • In tab "Deployment", for "Use custom context root" enter: JavaEEstarter
  4. Run the server for the first time (it will fail - that is OK), then stop the server.
  5. Open this file with text editor: wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml, add classloader and library tags:
    <application id="JavaEEstarter_war_exploded" ...>
        <classloader commonLibraryRef="h2" />
    <library id="h2">
        <fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/h2" includes="*.jar" />
  1. Copy file JavaEEstarter/target/JavaEEstarter-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/h2-1.4.193.jar to directory wlp/usr/shared/resources/h2
  2. Run the server again: project should work fine now.