
An intelligent event organizer chatbot. Winner of the UC Berkeley SCET Chatbot Competition.

Primary LanguagePython

Salonniere Intelligent Event Organizer

Salonniere is an intelligent event organizer that won UC Berkeley's Chatbot Collider Competition in Fall 2016. Here's an article about the competition and results.

Salonniere's Webpage

Salonniere's Facebook Page

This repository

This repository contains static informational pages and endpoints for Facebook's Messenger Bot API.

Based on this tutorial and this guide

Starting Locally

Follow the instructions here with some small changes. Basically, follow the steps below (verify with the guide) with some small differences, which are specially marked below.

  1. Install dependencies. Do note that you can use virtualenv if you want; if you don't, you will have to manually edit requirements.txt later (as opposed to just $ pip freeze > requirements.txt).
$ pip install Flask
$ pip install psycopg2
$ pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy
$ pip install gunicorn
$ pip install Flask-Heroku
$ pip install wit
$ pip install flask-mail
  1. Install Postgress.app.

Add this to your .bash_profile (*This is different from the guide because the latest version is 9.6 and not 9.3) export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.6/bin:$PATH"

Run the downloaded app. Then, create a new database (for the main database I used locally, I called it all-users). In terminal, run: $ createdb main.

You can verify that the database was created by running =# \list in psql (the downloaded App's terminal, or running psql in the terminal). If your database was created succesfully, you should see a database with the name all-users.

  1. Create database based off the model.
$ python
>>> from app import db
>>> db.create_all()
>>> exit()
  1. Add DB URL to app.py Uncomment line 12 in app.py (# app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://localhost/all-users') to let Flask know where the postgresql database is. Comment out line 14 (heroku = Heroku(app)).

  2. Run it! Try running python app.py and go to localhost:5000/signup and after inputting an email verify that it shows up in localhost:5000/users.

  3. To deploy to Heroku, undo step 3. You'll need to install the Heroku toolbelt and link it to your account, which should have access to our Heroku app (salonniere.herokuapp.com)