
An empty repository used for NEUOJ bugs


GPG Signing Key Enabled, Only Commit with verified GPG Key will be allowed in this repo Ver 1.0 Released 2.0 Working In Progress

Function Enabled for v2.0

  • Problem
  • Problem Database, Training System
  • Manually define problem difficulty
  • Add Standard Solution problem for each problem
  • Use Tag for admin
  • Give the statistics info of the problem
  • User
  • Role Control (Use Entrust maybe)
  • Add friends
  • Detailed Profile
  • Admin User managment panel
  • User can add Teams
  • Homepage give personized info
  • Related Problems
  • Problems working on
  • Friends activity
  • Submission
  • Multi Lang Submission Support
  • SIM for check copied code
  • A full rejudge system
  • Wrong Answer Diff
  • Admin Submission management panel
  • Multiple testcase ? (Maybe)
  • Contest
  • Each user can add contest
  • Contest Announcement(Broadcast?)
  • Contest BBS
  • Export Ranklist
  • Contest Statistics
  • CMS
  • BBS Function
  • Blog
  • System & Log
  • Log System
  • Admin Dashboard system info panel
  • File Managment
  • Download Files
  • Upload Files
  • Delete Files
  • Manage Files

Function Implmented for v1.0 (Done)

  • Problem managment
  • Add Problem
  • Edit Problem
  • Delete Problem
  • Edit data
  • Visibility Lock Manual Enable
  • Load in Problem from XML
  • Hold Contest
  • Three kind of access to contest: Private Register Public(Ver 2.0)
  • Enable user register himself into the register Contest(Ver 2.0)
  • Board display
  • Import student info from xls and xlsx etc.(Ver 2.0)
  • Rejudge a Problem by ContestID or Submission ID
  • Balloon System(semi stub)
  • Root Admin Panel
  • + User Managment
  • Dashboard Show System Status(Not sure)
  • Auth module
  • Register
  • Login
  • Reset Password(Need a mail server)
  • "Future" SSO and Third party login
  • Problem Browsing
  • Search problem by id
  • View Page-splited problem list
  • Search problem by title
  • Problem Submit
  • Judge (Current Plan: use domjudge judgedaemon to judge)
  • Read domjudge judge/ code and make the Request Graph
  • Implement the RESTful API with laravel
  • Compile Error Message Return to user
  • RoleCheck (Ver 2.0)
  • Content Managment System (CMS) Use one Plugin

top level route

  • /profile User profile page
  • /dashboard User managment panel
  • /problem Show Problem(s)
  • /status Show status(es)
  • /auth Authenticate interface (Register login and reset password)
  • /contest Show or get in contest
  • /discuss Route to subfunction of bbs
  • /ajax API handler for Ajax
  • /api Judgehost api entry

Code Styling

Use PSR-2 Code Standard