
Cavity is a Rust project template with direnv & just integration.

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Cavity: The suckless Rust Project Template

Cavity is a Rust project template which comes with direnv & just integration for an effortless Developer Experience ❇️


  1. just: To simplify repeatedly run commands.
  2. wactchexec: Watches files in current dir & re-builds project on any changes.
  3. direnv: To create an isolated development environment
  4. nix-direnv: For nix/flakes users.


  • Create file scratch.md: We recommend creating this file for local planning purposes. It is not tracked by Git.

  • Create file .envrc: This file is used by direnv. Not tracked by Git. Add the following contents to it:

# Flakes users: uncomment the line below
# use flake

# Load project specific env variables this way.
export FOO=foo

# Run `direnv allow` to start using direnv. 
  • Building your project: Use the just command to run your project. To test your project run just test.

  • Testing your project: Use the just test command to test your project. Check the justfile file for more.

  • Nix/Flakes: "flake.nix" & "flake.lock" are flake files. Remove them if you're not using nix/flakes.

  • Edit Cargo.toml: Change the project name in the Cargo.toml file to your project name.

  • README.md: Replace this README.md file with your project's README.md.

Directory Structure

  • src/: Contains project source code.
  • tests/: Houses integration tests.
  • target/: Contains compiled files & executables.
  • ui/: Use it for your frontend. Remove if unnecessary.