
My personal website & blog [WIP]

Primary LanguageTypeScript

textyash.com [WIP]

https://textyash.com is my personal blog site.

Tech Stack

  • Svelte: It is technically a compiler that compiles the frontend code to spit out HTML, CSS & JS. It has no virtual DOM, thus being faster than frameworks like React & Angular.

  • Tailwind: A CSS framework that heavily uses class names to stylize pages.

  • Skeleton UI: A UI framework that provides cool components. Based on Svelte & Tailwind.

  • Sveltekit: Sveltekit is a meta framework similar to NextJS. It provides routing & countless other features like SSR, CSR, SSG...

  • Supabase: It is a cloud database provider based on Postgres. It also provides authentication features.

  • Drizzle ORM: Fast ORM for querying the database. It is typesafe and uses typescript to declare schemas.

  • Vercel: Used to deploy the application with a minimal setup.

  • Just: Just is a local development tool. It is simply a command runner where you write your long & frequently used commands as recipes which you will be able to invoke using just <recipe-name>.

  • Direnv: Direnv is a part of the local development process where it helps to load necessary environment variables with ease.

  • Flakes: I use devshells with Nix flakes. It is yet another local development tool that creates sets up my development environment with all the necessary packages.