M1522.000100 Principles and Practices of Software Development


  • Team formation due 9/10 (Tue) 6pm
  • HW1 out; due 9/15 (Sun) 6pm
  • Sep.04: Skeleton code of HW1 python updated (to import os package)


  • Sep. 02 : homework 1 is out
    • Due : 9/15 (Sun) 18:00 (hard deadline)
    • This is an individual assignment

Schedule (TBD)

Week Lecture Practice Session Homework / Project / Exam
9/2,4 Course overview; project examples ; Project examples Python, Javascript Basics Review HW1 out
9/9,11 What softwares do, requirements and challenges to make them good, safe, and reliable; How to collaborate as a team and the methods and tools for it Choosuk (No practice session) Team formation due 9/10 (Tue) 6pm;
9/16,18 Good coding habits. Comments and code conventions React Tutorial Project proposal due 9/17 (Tue) 6pm, HW 1 due 9/15 6pm
9/23,25 Complexity problem and software structures Redux Tutorial Project sprint 1 begin (bi-weekly meetings with TAs at the end of sprint)
9/30,10/2 Complexity problem and software structures React + Redux Testing
10/7,9 Testing and throwing exceptions, Requirements and specification CI, Project Setup, Django Intro HW 2 due 10/8 6pm, Project sprint 2 begin
10/14,16 Software development processes, Design patterns I Django, React + Django Setup
10/21,23 Software structure and modeling Django Testing Project sprint 3 begin
10/28,30 Code refactoring Mid-project check HW 3 due 10/29 6pm
11/4,6 Design patterns 2 DB + Backend, Writing Good Code Project sprint 4 begin
11/11,13 Design patterns 3 Design Pattern, Code Refactoring
11/18,20 Operation Code Review Project sprint 5 begin
11/25,27 Operation (load testing, security) Deployment + Optimization Coding exams (Minimum 3 hours)
12/2,4 Code optimization Deployment + Optimization Project sprint 6 begin
12/9,11 Advanced topics
12/16 Project poster session Project final report (due 12/18 6pm)

Office hours

Professor :

  • Office: Bldg. 302, Rm. 322
  • MonWed 4PM-5PM, by appointment

TAs :

Taebum Kim

Kyunggeun Lee

Haeyoon Cho

(Please send TAs an email ahead of time, we can set up a specific time and place)