Social Media App

This is a full-stack social media application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js).


Link: [ Takes some time to load as it is hosted on free server which is usaully very slow. ]



User authentication and authorization with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

Create, read, update, and delete posts

Like and comment on posts

Follow and unfollow other users

Real-time notifications for new likes and comments

Responsive design for mobile and desktop devices

Technologies Used

MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user and post data

Express: Web framework for handling HTTP requests and responses

React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Node.js: JavaScript runtime for executing server-side code

React-Redux: It provides a predictable and centralized way to manage the state of an application

JWT: Standard for securely transmitting user authentication data

Material-UI: UI component library for styling and layout


The application can be deployed to render (a free cloud platform).