
GUI based Tower Defense game written in Java using the Java openJDK.

Primary LanguageJava

Tower Defense Game

This is a GUI based Tower Defense game written in Java using the Java openJDK.

This project is generally assigned in a more simple form as a University Assignment. It was never formally assigned to me, but I decided to work on and complete this software project in my own time to further my education on GUI and Java.


To ensure the software works and compiles correctly, be sure to maintain the following file structure for the project:

|  MapDriver.java
|  Tower.java
|  ...
   |  |  boss.wav 
   |  |  cancel.wav
   |  |  ...
      |  digiBullet.png
      |  digiBullet2.png
      |  ...


To develop this I used openJDK command line compiler. To compile the project to a stand-alone (non-executable) .jar file, make sure there is a 'manifest.txt' file in the src/ directory that contains:

Main-Class: MapDriver

Once that file is in place, I recommend running the following from the same src/ directory:

javac MapDriver.java
jar cmvf manifest.txt TowerDefenseGame.jar *.class res/*

Running the Software

Once the software has been compiled down to a .jar file, you can run it from the command line by typing:

java -jar TowerDefenseGame.jar

Final Notes

This repo is posted without a license.
Audio is under a (Creative Commons Zero, CC0) License from kenney.nl
All other sources and graphics were created by Ty Bayn.
Copyright 2020 Ty Bayn
Date Created: Apr. 15, 2019
Last Edit: Aug. 12, 2020