
Project Euler problems 1-67

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Euler Problems

Inspired by github: dabslee's PE marathon, I decided I would go through a bunch of the problems myself. However, rather than going for speed, I took my time and tried hard to stay away from only brute-forcing it. Also, I was going to use this as a way to practice C++, but this idea fizzled out after about 4 problems. I might go back and transpose a couple to C++, as Python allows a lot of easy solutions to what otherwise would be difficult questions to solve with programming.

9/02/20 - Completed PE 1 and 2 in both C++ and Python.

9/03/20 - Completed PE 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 before going back and solving PE 5 without brute-force.

9/04/20 - Completed PE 26.

9/05/20 - Completed PE 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 before going back and solving PE 14 with dynamic programming.

9/06/20 - Completed PE 15. Also in C++. Setting up BigInteger was difficult. Learned a lot from dabslee's code.

9/08/20 - Completed PE 16, 17, 18, 67, 19, 20

9/09/20 - Completed PE 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Learned to use set() and itertools

9/11/20 - Completed PE 30, tried 31 to no avail.

9/12/20 - Completed PE 31, 32.

9/13/20 - Completed PE 33, 34.

9/14/20 - Completed PE 35, 36.

9/15/20 - Completed PE 37, 38.

9/17/20 - Completed PE 39.

9/18/20 - Completed PE 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 44 was hard, I sought internet help.

9/19/20 - Completed PE 45.

9/20/20 - Completed PE 46, 47.

9/21/20 - Completed PE 48, 49, 50.