
Twitter but only yelling -- a full-stack Mongodb, Node.js, Express designed Twitter clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SHOUTING - Twitter but only yelling

a full stack webpage for "shouting" into a database and listing the database for users to see

Unique features

  • input text is capitalized so everyone is SHOUTING :)
  • between 1-10 exclamation points are appended
  • a guarantee of unparalleled happiness

Starting web-page on a local machine:

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/tybens/shouting.git

must have mongodb-org installed and the database running

sudo service mongod start

To start the back-end server:

cd shouting/server
npm install
npm run dev

To start the front-end server (must have live-server installed):

cd shouting/client

in order to eventually deploy:

  • mlab for live database
  • now for deploy hosting

for the future:

  • Add comments/replies to shouts
  • User Accounts
    • Not just a name box
    • Sign up/Login
  • User Profiles
    • only show shouts from a given user
  • search through shouts
  • hashtags
  • user @mentions
  • real-time feed of shouts, rapid refreshing