mail_app (Simple Mail App/ Just Mails)

A new Flutter project for myself. Learning and creating a mail app for windows (maybe translate to iOS in the maybe far future) which has all the features I need, nothing more and nothing less.

I started it because the mail clients I used got updated and reworked, in my opinion for the worse. This wil be a simple replacement for viewing and sending email without any bullshit features I do not need like calenders, planners, or proprietary folders.

In general I want support for multiple email addresses, options for showing unread at the top of the inbox, a shared inbox which combines the inboxes of all emails addresses, customization of the color pallet, and OAuth support for logging in.


The backend is written in Rust and uses a websocket to communicate with the frontend. It uses the imap crate to connect to the email servers. It stores a local cache of the emails in a sqlite database.

Run rust backend with cd backend && cargo run

Working Backend

  • Login to IMAP server
  • Logout from IMAP server
  • Get logged in sessions
  • Get messages sorted by time from local database
  • Get messages with uids from local database
  • Update local database from IMAP server
  • Modify flags of messages
  • Move messages between mailboxes
  • Get mailboxes of session


The frontend is written in Flutter and uses the web_socket_client package to communicate with the backend. The html emails are rendered with the flutter_widget_from_html package which converts html to flutter widgets.

Run flutter frontend with flutter run -d windows

Working Frontend

  • Add IMAP account with username, password
  • Switch mailboxes
  • List emails in mailbox
  • Scroll to load more emails
  • View email html (some might not be 100% correct)
  • View email text if no html
  • Move to trash/all mail
  • Mark as read/unread





Database Design

username PK VARCHAR(500)
password VARCHAR(500)
address PK VARCHAR(500)
port INT
updated_at DATETIME
connection_username FK, PK INT
connection_address FK, PK INT
path PK VARCHAR(500)
updated_at DATETIME
message_uid PK INT
connection_username FK, PK INT
connection_address FK, PK INT
mailbox_path FK, PK INT
session_id INT
message_id VARCHAR(500)
subject VARCHAR(500)
from VARCHAR(500)
sender VARCHAR(500)
to VARCHAR(500)
cc VARCHAR(500)
bcc VARCHAR(500)
reply_to VARCHAR(500)
in_reply_to VARCHAR(500)
delivered_to VARCHAR(500)
received DATETIME
html TEXT
text TEXT
updated_at DATETIME

API spec


login to an IMAP server and create a session.


  • username (string): The username of the user
  • password (string): The password of the user
  • address (string): The address of the user
  • port (int): The port of the user
    "success": true,
    "message": "message",
    "data": {                         // session id of new session
      "session_id": 1


Logout from the IMAP server and delete the session.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
    "success": true,
    "message": "message"


Get all the logged in IMAP sessions


    "success": true,
    "message": "message",
    "data": [                         // list of connected sessions
        "session_id": 1,
        "username": "username",
        "address": "address",
        "port": 1


Get all the mailbox paths of a session.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
    "success": true,
    "message": "message",
    "data": [                         // list of mailbox paths


Get a message from a mailbox using the message uids from the local database only.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
  • mailbox_path (string): The mailbox path
  • message_uids (comma separated list): The uids of the messages
  "success": true,
  "message": "message",
  "data": [                           // list of messages
      "uid": 1,
      "sequence_id": 1,
      "message_id": "server message id",
      "subject": "subject",
      "from": [
          "name": "Google",
          "mailbox": "no-reply",
          "host": ""
      "sender": [],                   // same object as from
      "to": [],                       // same object as from
      "cc": [],                       // same object as from
      "bcc": [],                      // same object as from
      "reply_to": [],                 // same object as from
      "in_reply_to": "email string",
      "delivered_to": "email string",
      "date": 1722093349000,
      "received": 1722093350000,
      "flags": ["Seen", "Flagged"],
      "html": "base64 encoded html",
      "text": "base64 encoded text"


get messages from a mailbox sorted on time with indexes
calculated from the start and end indexes of the index numbers.
Messages are retrieved from the local database only.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
  • mailbox_path (string): The mailbox path
  • start (int): The start index of the messages
  • end (int): The end index of the messages
  "success": true,
  "message": "message",
  "data": [                           // list of messages
      "uid": 1,
      "sequence_id": 1,
      "message_id": "server message id",
      "subject": "subject",
      "from": [
          "name": "Google",
          "mailbox": "no-reply",
          "host": ""
      "sender": [],                   // same object as from
      "to": [],                       // same object as from
      "cc": [],                       // same object as from
      "bcc": [],                      // same object as from
      "reply_to": [],                 // same object as from
      "in_reply_to": "email string",
      "delivered_to": "email string",
      "date": 1722093349000,
      "received": 1722093350000,
      "flags": ["Seen", "Flagged"],
      "html": "base64 encoded html",
      "text": "base64 encoded text"


Update the mailbox of a session from the IMAP server.\


  1. select command to get exists (total number of messages)

  2. fetch message with sequence id exists to get the uid

  3. check if message in local database with uid has the same sequence id

  4. if not, message is moved/deleted/added in the mailbox

    • fetch 'UID' for 50 at the time until all sequence id and uid match
      • remove message uids present in the database but not in the fetched list
      • update sequence id of messages where the sequence id is different in the fetch
      • add message uids present in the fetched list but not in the database
  5. always, fetch with 'FLAGS' of all messages in the mailbox to update flags


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
  • mailbox_path (string): The mailbox path
  • quick (bool?): will only fetch (20max) new messages and remove messages
  "success": true|false,
  "message": "message",
  "data": {
    "new_uids": [1, 2, 3],            // list of new uids
    "removed_uids": [1, 2, 3],        // list of removed uids (not in mailbox anymore)
    "changed_uids": [1, 2, 3],        // list of changed uids (flags changed)


Update and get all the mailbox paths of a session from the IMAP server.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
    "success": true|false,
    "message": "message",
    "data": [                         // list of mailbox paths


Modify the flags of a message in a mailbox using the message uid.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
  • mailbox_path (string): The mailbox path
  • message_uid (int): The uid of the message
  • flags (comma separated list): The flags to modify (e.g. "Seen,Flagged,Deleted")
  • add (bool): If the flags should be added or removed
  "success": true,
  "message": "message",
  "data": [                           // list of all flags


Move a message from one mailbox to another using the message uid.
The message will be copied to the destination mailbox and deleted from
the source mailbox using the IMAP move command.


  • session_id (int): The session id of the user
  • message_uid (int): The uid of the message
  • mailbox_path_dest (string): The destination mailbox path
  "success": true,
  "message": "message",
  "data": "mailbox_path_dest"         // destination mailbox path