This project has been completed as part of the Udacity Full-Stack Nanodegree. The goal was to create a web application using Flask that implements a 3rd party authorization system (Google OAuth API in this case) and allows users to perform various CRUD operations against a SQL database using an ORM. The app also has a JSON endpoint to serve as an API.
I created a product backlog tool that can be used to save and comment on feature ideas to a database. Often times product teams end up with feature ides strewn about on notepads, Dropbox paper and Slack channels. A single database and expanded upon version of this app could be useful for tracking product ideas and features.
To run this application...
- Install Vagrant
- Install Virtual Box
- Clone the flask_product_backlog repository
- CD to vagrant folder, then run
vagrant up
->vagrant ssh
->cd vagrant
->cd catalog
- The app will run locally on
- Run application as of above
- Make GET requests to
for a JSON array of all ideas in the database or<str:idea_id>/idea
for a JSON object with a specific id
Used the Udacity fullstack repo to base the project around
Used to structure Google login and logoff commands
Used this API tester document to model
This was inspired by my own work on a news app and a conversation with an entrepreneur who was developing a scoring system for his company's product backlog. In the future I would like to incorporate an interface to record user feedback and interview notes, as well as a scoring system where team members can score the feasability, importance etc. of certain ideas.