
An implementation of the LSP specification for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Ruby LSP

This gem is an implementation of the language server protocol specification for Ruby, used to improve editor features.


Install the gem. There's no need to require it, since the server is used as a standalone executable.

group :development do
  gem "ruby-lsp", require: false

If using VS Code, install the Ruby LSP plugin to get the extra features in the editor.

See the documentation for supported features.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Expectation testing

To simplify the way we run tests over different pieces of Ruby code, we use a custom expectations test framework against a set of Ruby fixtures.

To add a new fixture to the expectations test suite:

  1. Add a new fixture my_fixture.rb file under test/fixtures
  2. (optional) Add new expectations under test/expectations/$HANDLER for the request handlers you're concerned by
  3. Profit by running bin/test test/requests/$HANDLER_expectations_test my_fixture
    • Handlers for which you added expectations will be checked with assert_expectations
    • Handlers without expectations will be ran against your new test to check that nothing breaks

To add a new expectations test runner for a new request handler:

  1. Add a new file under test/requests/$HANDLER_expectations_test.rb that subclasses ExpectationsTestRunner and calls expectations_tests $HANDLER, "$EXPECTATIONS_DIR" where: $HANDLER is the fully qualified name or your handler class and $EXPECTATIONS_DIR is the directory name where you want to store the expectation files.

    # frozen_string_literal: true
    require "test_helper"
    require "expectations/expectations_test_runner"
    class $HANDLERExpectationsTest < ExpectationsTestRunner
      expectations_tests RubyLsp::Requests::$HANDLER, "$EXPECTATIONS_DIR"
  2. (optional) Override the run_expectations and assert_expectations methods if needed. See the different request handler expectations runners under test/requests/*_expectations_test.rb for examples.

  3. (optional) Add new fixtures for your handler under test/fixtures

  4. (optional) Add new expectations under test/expectations/$HANDLER

    • No need to write the expectations by hand, just run the test with an empty expectation file and copy from the output.
  5. Profit by running, bin/test test/expectations_test $HANDLER

    • Tests with expectations will be checked with assert_expectations
    • Tests without expectations will be ran against your new $HANDLER to check that nothing breaks


Tracing LSP requests and responses

LSP server tracing can be controlled through the ruby lsp.trace.server config key in the .vscode/settings.json config file.

Possible values are:

  • off: no tracing
  • messages: display requests and responses notifications
  • verbose: display each request and response as JSON


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.