
A lightweight and easy way to send webhooks to Discord, without the added baggage of a full API client.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


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A lightweight and easy way to send webhooks to Discord, without the added baggage of a full API client.

What is Hookr?

Hookr is a webhook client for Discord.

Why should I use Hookr?

Hookr aims to be much lighter than a typical Discord API client, such as Discord.js for bots. Plus it has a fun name.

Note for devs coming from matthew1232/discord-webhook-node

If you were previously using matthew1232/discord-webhook-node, my package changes the API so it won't be a simple drop-in replacement. However, it's very easy to migrate to Hookr, plus you'll get updated packages, better documentation, and a cleaner codebase.

One major issue with the old package is that the type defitions don't match the actual source. This has caused numerous problems in some deployments of one of my other projects. In Hookr, you can use both setUrl and setURL without any issues.

Some other issues to note:

  • Out of date. The repo hasn't been updated since 2020-07-18 as of December 2022.
  • Doesn't support multiple embeds per send. Discords API has supported this for quite some time now.
  • Doesn't support numerous API fields such as allowed_mentions and components.
  • Somewhat confusing API. I've tried to simplify it as much as possible.
  • Out of date dependencies may be a security risk. I've updated all packages to their latest versions, and will continue to do so.


npm i @tycrek/discord-hookr
import { Webhook, EmbedBuilder } from '@tycrek/discord-hookr';
// or
const { Webhook, EmbedBuilder } = require('@tycrek/discord-hookr');


Hookr supports sending multiple Embeds, so first you must build an Embed. All builder methods are chainable.

// Create a new embed
const builder = new EmbedBuilder()
    .setTitle('Hello, world!')
    .setDescription('This is an example embed.')
    .setColor('#ff0000'); // Hex color

Then you can create a new Webhook and send the Embed.

const hook = new Webhook('WEBHOOK_URL_HERE');


You can also send a message without an embed.

hook.setContent('Hello, world!');

Discord allows both embeds and content in the same message, if you wish to do so.

Finally, you can send the webhook. It resolves a void Promise or rejects with an error, typically from Axios.

    .then(() => console.log('Sent!'))
    .catch((err) => console.error(err));

Discord supports up to 10 embeds per message, so you can add as many as you want. Hookr's API accepts EmbedBuilders, Embeds, arrays of each or a mix of both.

hook.addEmbed([builder3, builder4.getEmbed()]);
hook.addEmbed([builder5, builder6, builder7.getEmbed(), builder8.getEmbed()])

Once sent, you'll see all of the embeds in a single message.


The EmbedBuilder

Method Description Example
EmbedBuilder() Creates a new EmbedBuilder. const builder = new EmbedBuilder();
setTitle(string) Sets the title of the embed. builder.setTitle('Hello, world!');
setDescription(string) Sets the description of the embed. builder.setDescription('This is an example embed.');
setUrl(string) Sets the URL of the embed. builder.setUrl('https://example.com');
setURL(string) Equivalent to setUrl. builder.setURL('https://example.com');
setTimestamp(string? | Date?) Sets the timestamp of the embed. builder.setTimestamp();
builder.setTimestamp(new Date(2021, 6, 9, 4, 20, 0));
setColor(string) Sets the color of the embed using hex. builder.setColor('#ff0000');
setFooter({}) Sets the footer of the embed. builder.setFooter({ text: 'This is a footer.', icon_url: 'https://example.com/example.png' });
setImage({}) Sets the image of the embed. builder.setImage({ url: 'https://example.com/example.png' });
setThumbnail({}) Sets the thumbnail of the embed. builder.setThumbnail({ url: 'https://example.com/example.png' });
setAuthor({}) Sets the author of the embed. builder.setAuthor({ name: 'Author', url: 'https://example.com', icon_url: 'https://example.com/example.png' });
addField({}) Adds a field to the embed. inline is optional. builder.addField({ name: 'Field', value: 'This is a field.', inline: true });
getEmbed() Returns the Embed object. builder.getEmbed();

Deprecated methods

Method Description Example Reason
setProvider({}) Sets the provider of the embed. setProvider({ name: 'provider', url: 'https://example.org' }); Unsupported in Webhook-based embeds. May be supported in the future.
setVideo({}) Sets the video of the embed. setVideo({ url: 'https://example.org/example.mp4' }); Unsupported in Webhook-based embeds. May be supported in the future.

For more information, see these links:

The Webhook

Method Description Example
Webhook(string) Creates a new Webhook. const hook = new Webhook('WEBHOOK_URL_HERE');
setContent(string) Sets the text content of the message. hook.setContent('Hello, world!');
setUsername(string) Sets the username of the webhook. hook.setUsername('Hookr Webhook');
setAvatar(string) Sets the avatar of the webhook. hook.setAvatar('https://example.com/example.png');
setTts(boolean) Sets the TTS flag of the webhook. Disabled by default. hook.setTts(true);
setAllowedMentions({}) Sets what users or roles are pinged in Discord. See Discord documentation for more details. hook.setAllowedMentions({ parse: ['roles'], roles: ['123456789012345678], replied_user: true });
setComponents({}) Sets the components of the webhook. See Discord documentation for more details. This may not work right now. Unknown
setPayloadJson({}) I'm not sure what this does exactly. Discord docs are vague and complicated Unknown
setFlags(number) Sets the flags of the webhook. See Discord documentation for more details. Unknown
setThreadName(string) Sets the thread name of the webhook. I believe this is used for the new forums feature. Unknown
addAttachment({}) Adds an attachment to the webhook. See Discord documentation for more details. Unknown
addEmbed(EmbedBuilder | Embed | (EmbedBuilder | Embed)[]) Adds an embed or multiple embeds to the Webook. See Usage above
send() Sends the webhook. hook.send().then().catch();
sendText() Shorthand for setContent and send. hook.sendText('Hello, world!').then().catch();
sendFile() Unfinished and untested, would not recommend using yet. Unknown


  • Files are not supported yet. I'm not sure if they're even possible with Webhooks.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an Issue or Pull Request if you have any suggestions or bug reports.


First clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/tycrek/discord-hookr.git && cd discord-hookr
npm i

Create a file called webhook_url and paste your webhook URL in it. Then run the tests:

npm test


Hookr is ISC licensed. I have relicensed the original discord-webhook-node from MIT to ISC as they're functionally the same license.

Matthew, if you have issue with this, please let me know.