
Mount a virtual drive with Degoo content

Primary LanguagePython

Degoo Drive

Because Degoo does not provide a way to use their application as a virtual drive, like Google Drive, I have created a project to make this possible, thanks to pyfuse3 and Degoo CLI. This will not work on Windows, only available in unix environments


  • pyfuse3 requires the libfuse3-dev and fuse3 libraries to run. These can be installed via apt install -y libfuse3-dev fuse3 (Available from Ubunt 20.04)
  • Degoo CLI requires python 3.8 and dependencies included in requirements.txt
  • And this project requires both of the above


apt update
apt install -y --no-install-recommends git
apt install -y libfuse3-dev fuse3
apt install -y python3.8
apt install -y python3-pip
apt install -y pkg-config
apt install -y python3.8-dev

python3.8 -m pip install appdirs wget python-magic humanize humanfriendly python-dateutil requests clint requests_toolbelt pyfuse3 pyjwt

All in one:

apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends git libfuse3-dev fuse3 python3.8 python3-pip pkg-config && python3.8 -m pip install appdirs wget python-magic humanize humanfriendly python-dateutil requests clint requests_toolbelt pyfuse3


You must clone this repository git clone https://github.com/MDKPredator/degoo_drive. Ensure you have installed git: apt install git


Run degoo_login to create the directory with the configuration to access Degoo. Normally it will be created in ~/.config/degoo. In this path you should have the following files:

  • default_properties.txt
  • schedule.json
  • credentials.json
  • keys.json

Edit file credentials.json to enter your credentials (email and password)

IMPORTANT: If you log in with Google (Sign in with Google button) this method does not work. You will have to change it to login with your email and a password.

Basic usage

First you must clone this project with git clone https://github.com/MDKPredator/degoo_drive. You can then mount your unit by running the command python3 fuse_degoo.py. By default, drive is mounted in /home/degoo


The following options are available:

  • --mountpoint Path where drive will be mounted. Default is /home/degoo
  • --degoo-email Email to login in Degoo
  • --degoo-pass Password to login in Degoo
  • --degoo-token Token for requests. Alternative if login fails
  • --degoo-refresh-token Used when token expires. Alternative if login fails
  • --degoo-path Degoo base path to mount the drive. Default is root /
  • --cache-size Size of downloaded chunk
  • --debug Displays logs
  • --debug-fuse Displays the filesystem logs
  • --allow-other Allows other users to access files
  • --refresh-interval Time, in minutes, that Degoo information is refreshed. Default is 10 minutes
  • --disable-refresh Disables the refresh
  • --flood-sleep-time Waiting time, in seconds, before resuming requests once the maximum has been reached
  • --flood-max-requests Maximum number of requests in the period
  • --flood-time-to-check Request control period, in minutes
  • --change-hostname Disable change domain for media files. Default is false
  • --mode How to read the content. Lazy (default) reads as browsing (recommended for large content). Eager to read all content the first time
  • --config-path Path to the configuration files. Default is ~/.config/degoo/
  • --plex-split-file (Experimental) Check if there are split files to cache the first part


This project includes a Dockerfile to mount the virtual drive. You will only need to modify the credentials.json file before creating the image:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/MDKPredator/degoo_drive
  2. Modify degoo_config/credentials.json
  3. Create the image docker build -t degoo_drive .
  4. Run container docker run -dit --privileged --name degoo degoo_drive


Here are some examples of how to pass arguments to the mounting drive

  • Run container with debug: docker run -dit --privileged --name degoo degoo_drive --debug
  • Run container bypassing login (token and refrehs token): docker run -dit --privileged --name degoo degoo_drive --debug --degoo-token myLoginToken --degoo-refresh-token myRefreshToken
  • Change default mountpoint: docker run -dit --privileged --name degoo degoo_drive --debug --mountpoint /degoo_drive

Degoo Drive and Plex

You can also mount the virtual drive to use plex in a docker container. You will need the latest versions of plex which you can find here. They should be at least the bionic versions that include the libfuse3-dev and fuse3 libraries, or higher. You can follow the steps below to do so:

  1. First creates plex container:

    docker create --name=plex --net=host --memory="2gb" --privileged --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse -e VERSION=latest -e PUID=1001 -e PGID=1001 -e TZ=Europe/Madrid -v /home/plex/config:/config -v /home/plex/tvshows:/data/tvshows -v /home/plex/movies:/data/movies -v /home/plex/transcode:/transcode linuxserver/plex:version-
  2. Start container: docker start plex

  3. Enter the container: docker exec -it plex bash

  4. Install dependencies (Requirements section)

  5. Clone this repository

  6. Enter the directory: cd degoo_drive

  7. Log in Degoo: python3 degoo_login. You will see the message:

No login credentials available. Please add account details to /root/.config/degoo/credentials.json
No properties are configured or available. If you can find the supplied file 'default_properties.txt' copy it to '/root/.config/degoo/default_properties.txt' and try again.
Login failed.
  1. Enter in degoo_config directory and modify the credentials.json file to enter your email and password
  2. Copy credentials.json and default_properties.txt to degoo config directory: cp credentials.json default_properties.txt /root/.config/degoo/
  3. Re-run degoo_login to make sure all is correct. Remember to return to the previous directory: cd .. && python3 degoo_login. You should now see the message Successfuly logged in.
  4. Finally, mount the unit: mkdir -p /home/degoo && python3 fuse_degoo.py --debug --allow-other &

Login bypass

If the login mechanism fails (lately cloudflare seems to cut the call with a 429 Too Many Requests), you can bypass it by using directly the token and refreshToken provided by Degoo once logged in. To do so, go to https://app.degoo.com/login and open the developer tools to see this data.

Degoo login


Uploading files to Degoo (cp and mv commands) does not work 100% of the time, so it is recommended to use the cp command to avoid losing files. In case the upload is unsuccessful, if you have enabled the logs, you will see the following message: WARN: file [name_of_file.ext] has not been uploaded successfully