
Cluster analysis of Parkinson's disease

Primary LanguageR

Parkinson's disease subtypes identified from cluster analysis of motor and non-motor symptoms

This repository contains data, analyses, figures, and manuscripts for

Jesse Mu, Kallol Ray Chaudhuri, Concha Bielza, Jesús de Pedro Cuesta, Pedro Larrañaga, and Pablo Martinez-Martin. Parkinson's disease subtypes identified from cluster analysis of motor and non-motor symptoms Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9:301

The code to reproduce figures is mostly in publication.R which depends first on sourceing preprocessing.R and (maybe??) kmeans-dtree.R and nms30.R.


  • Organize and figure out procedure for exactly reproducing figures. Might be able to put everything in preprocessing
  • Rename files to something more sensible (kmeans-dtree -> domains, nms30 -> symptoms)
  • Continue to get rid of unnecessary figures

PD analysis Hierarchical clustering Longitudinal analysis