
A Speech Analytics Python Tool for Speaking Assessment

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Speech Analytics Python Tool for Speech Quality Assessment

Recording-level feature extraction

The goal of these modules is to extract features that provide an intermediate representation to speech recordings towards the assessment of speech quality.

Text: text_analysis.py

In order to get text features from an audio file run the below command in your terminal

python3 text_analysis.py -i wav_file -g google_credentials -c classifiers_path -r reference_text -s segmentation_threshold -m segmentation_method


  • wav_file : the path of audio file where the recording is stored

  • google_credentials : a json file which contains the google credentials for speech to text functionality

  • classifiers_path: the directory which contains all text trained classifiers

  • reference_text(optional): path of .txt file of reference text

  • segmentation_threshold(optional): if you want to segment text by punctuation, don't use this argument (or use None as value), otherwise it is the number of words or seconds of every text segment

  • segmentation_method(optional): if the method of segmentation is punctuation (by sentences) then don't use this argument (or use None as value), otherwise use "fixed_size_text" for segmentation with fixedwords per segment or "fixed_window" for segmentation with fixed time window.

The feature_names , features and metadata will be printed.

Audio: audio_analysis.py

In order to get audio features from audio file (silence features + classification features) run the below command in your terminal

  • Case 1: Not using pyaudio recording level features:
python3 audio_analysis.py -i wav_file -c classifiers_path
  • Case 2: Adding pyaudio recording level features:
python3 audio_analysis.py -i wav_file -c classifiers_path -f


  • wav_file : the path of audio file

  • classifiers_path : the directory which contains all audio trained classifiers

The feature_names , features and metadata will be printed

Note: See models/readme for instructions how to train audio and text models