This is the official implementation for article "Edge-guided and Hierarchical Aggregation Network for Robust Medical Image Segmentation".

🌈: EHANet: Edge-guided and Hierarchical Aggregation Network for Robust Medical Image Segmentation

❗ The full code will be released after accpetance.


  • 10.07.2024 - The article was submitted to Journal "Biomedical Signal Processing and Control" for review.


This paper introduces a novel Edge-guided and Hierarchical Aggregation Network (EHANet) which excels at capturing rich contextual information and preserving fine spatial details, addressing the critical issues of inaccurate mask edges and detail loss prevalent in current segmentation models. The Inter-layer Edge-aware Module (IEM) enhances edge prediction accuracy by fusing early encoder layers, ensuring precise edge delineation. The Efficient Fusion Attention Module (EFA) adaptively emphasizes critical spatial and channel features while filtering out redundancies, enhancing the model's perception and representation capabilities. The Adaptive Hierarchical Feature Aggregation Module (AHFA) module optimizes feature fusion within the decoder, maintaining essential information and improving reconstruction fidelity through hierarchical processing.

Image 1


Image 2

✒️ For citation


❗ 👀 The codes can not be used for commercial purposes!!!