Inspired by brainfuck, rockstar, shakespeare and the absolute most poorly written reddit posts. Somewhat similiar if much worse than rockstar.
Parses code that looks like the average reddit relationships question and transpiles into python and then executes the script
As of this update it should be a fully featured turing complete language!
Simply run
python make.py filename.redditlang
Optional args- outfile name (by default just filename.py for the python script and filename for the binary) flags -e --execute for the python script to auto-execute after compiling -b --binary to compile a single binary via pyinstaller. Yes, it will be huge.
python make.py filename.redditlang outfile ("-b" or "--binary") ("-e" or "--execute")
There will likely be issues if you try this on a non-unix system because of carriage returns.
All documentation right now is just comments in the source code fuck you
Some documentation added
Variable assignment to int or bool
While loops
Comparison operators
Basic operators (add, subtract, modulo, divide, multiply, etc) - Done!
Some documentation!
If statements!
Unfuck the compiler's inability to deal with spaces in filepaths to the source code
Tweak stdout to get carriage returns to work properly
For loops
Compile to native golang/c before making a binary instead of python so it's not a massive bloated mess
Handle assignment with integers that have zeros in base 10 better
History about my family- we count down from 50 to 0
Backstory about us, we print fizz if the integer is divisible by 3
Our family history is that we print buzz if divisible by 5
And our last bit of history is that we print fizzbuzz if divisible by 3 AND 5
My program, for ease lets call it fizzybuzz, is quite empty
My f, for clarity lets call it frank, is mostlly empty
Our i, for clarity lets call it ian, is almostt two
So z, for simplicity lets call it zack, is qwertyuio empty
The b, for ease lets call it bob, is grosly grosss
My u, for clarity lets call it union, is blahblah words
Our nest, for clarity lets call it nest, is empty
Our third, for clarity lets call it third, is qwe
Our fifth, for clarity lets call it fifth, is qwert
My cat, for ease lets call it cat, is a
My space, for simplicity lets call it my_car, is qwe ty
I calmly explained to fizzybuzz that stuff
So then fizzybuzz left third and went to party
So then fizzybuzz left fifth and went to theclub
I argued that party was the same as nest with party
I argued that theclub was the same as nest with theclub
I thought that party was something
I thought that theclub was something else
I declared that frank was a letter
I told that ian was a letter
I declared that zack was a letter
I yelled that zack was a kljdaskljdfasklj
I screamed that bob was a blah blahblah
We declared that union was a letter
I declared that zack was a stuff
I declared that zack was a letter
I stormed off and whatever
I declared that frank was something
I declared that ian was something
I declared that zack was more stuff
I declared that zack was something
We refused to discuss further
I thought that theclub was something else
I screamed that bob was a letter
We declared that union was a letter
I declared that zack was a letter
I declared that zack was a letter
We refused to discuss further
I declared that my_car was a new line
So then fizzybuzz took cat and called itself fizzybuzz
General Syntax
I will use python fstring notation for strings with variables
The basic structure is the sentence
. Each "line" indicated by a carriage return or a period is considered a sentence
, like ";" in C or a carriage return in python. Unlike good or useful languages, a sentence
must either be a specific type of statement or it's considered a comment. If it can be typed ambigously the program will not compile and you will get an error telling you which lines were ambigious. Because of the difficulty of knowing exactly what type of statement you are making, the compiler script will by default tell you what it thinks each line is.
Mispellings and bizarre syntax/formatting/variable names is strongly encouraged! Remember to channel someone who thinks asking reddit for advice on their intimate parter issues is a good idea.
Case is irrelvant.
First and second person pronouns are also part of certain statements
I understand I am using "first and second person" incorrectly I don't care
First person: 'i','he','she','we','they','someone','something','it','ze'
Second person: 'them','you','her','him','zem','those','it','our'
Implemented Features
Any sentence with "backstory" or "history" will evaluate to a comment without an error, regardless of everything else.
Any sentence that doesn't match any other kind will still become a comment (though the compiler will call it a "no type" for clarity)
Variable Assignment
Variable assignment can be to an integer or a bool.
Assignment sentences must start with "my" "so" "our" or "the", then contain the word "clarity" "for ease" or "simplicity," then contain f"lets call {first person pronoun}" followed by a space and the name of the variable you wish to create. If you stop here the value of the variable will be 0
My car, for ease lets call it my_car
my_car = 0
To declare and assign a value, follow the variable name with a comma, and then either the word "is" for a positive, "is not" for a negative, or "is nothing" for explict 0. The length of the words correspond to the value of length of the word times 10 ^ position of the word from the right. "A real clunker" evaluates to 147.
My car, for ease lets call it my_car, is a real clunker
my_car = 147
In progress of figuring out how I will assign 0 values, probably with a keyword.
"empty" should evaluate to 1 * 10 ^ position of the word but this is currently untested.
While loop
f"{first person pronoun} calmly explained to " declares while and the word following must be an already declared variable that is the condition of the loop. As it's evaluated by a python interpreter in this version, python truthy or falsy values will work for the loop condition
For example:
We calmly explained to my_car
All text after that in the statement is just comments.
To end the while loop a statement with 'refused to discuss','stormed off','refused to talk' will exit the current loop
f'{first person pronoun} believed that ',
f'{first person pronoun} thought that',
I thought that bob was stupid
Evaluates to
if bob:
{next sentence}
You can break out the if loop just like the while loop- 'refused to discuss','stormed off','refused to talk'
f"{first person pronoun} argued that" followed by a variable, followed by an operator, followed by another variable, followed by "with" followed by the new assigned variable.
logic operators
'was better than' >
'was worse than' <
'was the same as' ==
'was nothing like' !=
'was better or the same as' >=
'was worse or the same as' <=
Assuming cats = 1 and dogs = -1
We argued that cats was better than dogs with dad.
dad = True
Primitive Operators
'gave ' +
'took ' -
'left ' %
'split ' //
'repeated ' *
You start with "so then" followed by a variable, followed by an operator word, followed by the second variable, followed by the variable to be assigned.
So then alex gave bob and called it green
Evaluates to:
green = alex + bob
f'{pronoun} told',
f'{pronoun} declared',
f'{pronoun} proclaimed',
f'{pronoun} yelled',
f'{pronoun} screamed',
followed by a "that " then a variable to output as ascii
i proclaimed that t was a bad president
Will output the value of t