
WordPress Framework 3

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#Cherry Framework# ###The most delicious WordPress framework###

Fully responsive design, easy install, steady updates, great number of shortcodes and widgets, integration of Bootstrap functions. All brought to you by Cherry Framework for straightforward experience in website design. View all features

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##Change log##


Framework Updates

  • ADD: Live Chat in a dashboard
  • ADD: Cookie banner options
  • ADD: Filters in the post content
  • FIX: Security bug
  • FIX: Bug with duplication images in a slider lightbox
  • FIX: Check for WMPL-plugin extension
  • FIX: Bug with a social networks custom fields in a Our Team posts after the import sample data
  • FIX: Bug with thumbs in slider
  • FIX: Query variable in a FAQ and Testimonials pages
  • FIX: JS-error on Portfolio page
  • FIX: Stick menu script
  • UPD: cherry plugin to version 1.2.6
  • UPD: motopress-content-editor plugin to version 1.5.8
  • UPD: Localization files
  • UPD: Conditional comments for older IE (if lt IE 9)
  • UPD: Class description_walker
  • UPD: Replace using function for trims text
  • DEL: Init for owl-carousel script
  • DEL: # - symbol from comments


Framework Updates

  • UPD: cherry plugin to version 1.2.2
  • UPD: Updated motopress-content-editor
  • UPD: screenshot.psd
  • ADD: Added default value for sl_pause_on_hover option
  • UPD: Removed deprecated in wordpress constants
  • UPD: Wrapped text in GetText call
  • ADD: fadeout effect for invalid tip to contact form field
  • UPD: Removed zip-archive with contact-form-7 plugin, because now it is installed from wordpress.org repository
  • UPD: Updated TGM-Plugin-Activation class
  • upd: stickUp.js
  • upd:css isStuck class
  • FIX: stickUp plugin
  • ADD: Added a misc style
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • ADD: Added email custom field to the Team and Testimonail metabox
  • FIX: Fixed lightbox in portfolio slideshow
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • ADD: Added unique prefix to the functions
  • ADD: Added style for
    tag inner .row
  • UPD: Set dashicons for custom post type
  • FIX: Fixed enqueue script for Gallery-format post
  • FIX: Fixed localization for stickup_menu option
  • ADD: Added default value for stickup_menu. Set when option are desable.
  • ADD: new option Gallery-format post portfolio layout
  • FIX: CherryFramework#16
  • FIX: CherryFramework#11
  • ADD: new option Gallery-format post portfolio layout
  • ADD: pause on slider hover option
  • ADD: filter to stickmenu selector
  • UPD: post_meta_display option
  • UPD: change default slider effect
  • ADD: option meta display, UPD: blog page
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • UPD: blog page? singlepost page
  • UDP: check device for stickUp menu
  • URD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • UPD: jQuery('#wpadminbar')
  • FIX: hotfix add add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode' );
  • FIX: fix bug documentation
  • ADD: filter to stickmenu selector
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • UDP: check device for stickUp menu
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • UPD: Updated cherry-plugin
  • UPD: jQuery('#wpadminbar')
  • FIX: hotfix add add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode' );
  • UPD: modified readme
  • FIX: Fixed after branch's merge

Plugin Updates (v1.2.2)

FIX: conflicts flexslider.css UPD: carousel.php ADD: Added style for under-construction page in mobile devices UPD: recent post shortcode(video post type) upd: my-social-widget widgets FIX: Fixed quotes ADD: Added clearfix class to the li item in recent_posts shortcode ADD: Added to the all shortcodes filters html-formatted data before return ADD: Added outputing value for email custom field in Team and Testimonails post type ADD: Added some style to the flex-slider Fix: Fixed CherryFramework#17 Fix: Fixed display parametr in button shortcode UPD: ul counter for post grid shotcode FIX: CherryFramework#13 FIX: CherryFramework#10 UPD: recent testimonials shotcode ADD: category filter to mini post shotcode UPD: postcycle widget UPD: flex slider css UPD: Updated flexslider to version 2.2.2 UPD: css .comments-custom Fix: hotfix: removed post-cycle's loader Fix: hotfix: Fixed rtl-support in post_cycle shortcode Fix: hotfix: removed post-cycle's loader Fix: hotfix: Fixed rlt-support in post_cycle shortcode


Framework Updates

  • Add: Added rtl-language support
  • Upd: Updated audio/video library - jplayer
  • Add: Added new options: order & orderby for slider posts
  • Add: Added new options: order & orderby for portfolio posts and filter
  • ADD: device.js
  • Upd: replaced tmstickup.js
  • Add: Added MotoPress Content Editor plugin as the following recommended plugin
  • ADD: stickup option
  • Fix: Fixed API_URL constant

Plugin Updates

  • Add: Added rtl-language support
  • Upd: Improved Cherry Recent Comments widget - get comment for posts, pages, attachments and porfolio custom post type
  • Add: Added compatibility audio shortcode with MotoPress plugin
  • UPD: get_the_date()
  • ADD: content_box shortcode
  • ADD: tag option to posts grid shortcode
  • ADD: tag option to posts-list shortcode
  • ADD: tag option to recent posts shortcode
  • UPD: Cherry recent posts (the_date(); -> the_time('F j, Y');)
  • UPD: widget banner
  • ADD: item counter class
  • Add: added custom-class option to row, span, shortcodes
  • Fix: Fixed outputing notice
  • Fix: Fixed outputing notice
  • Add: Added define API_URL constant


Framework Updates

  • Fix: hotfix issue
  • Upd: change upload images logic in framework options
  • Fix: fixed issue with French translation in plugin
  • Fix: fixed twitter share button
  • Fix: Fixed bug with portfolio gallery in IE
  • Upd: Improved wpml-plugin compatibility for Cherry Options

Plugin Updates

  • Fix: Compatibility with WP 3.9: fix shortcode dialog
  • Upd: Exclude widgets manager on customize.php
  • Upd: Improved wpml-plugin compatibility for widgets
  • Fixed issue with french translation
  • Compatibility with old themes
  • fix instagram and banner widgets


Plugin Updates

  • Fix: import errors
  • Add: blocking files on upload
  • Fix: sorting errors
  • Add: widgets rewrite
  • Add: widgets custom classes
  • Fix: shortcode Elastislide
  • Add: styleswitcher
  • Add: plugin-under-construction-content rewrite in child theme
  • Add: plugin updater
  • Add: intagram widget
  • Upd: social widget
  • Fix: fixes in social network widget
  • Add: banner widget
  • Upd: improvements in wpml-compatibility

Framework Updates

  • Fix: layout style
  • Fix: changed links format
  • Fix: robot.txt generate login
  • Fix: sitemap
  • Fix: slider posts sorting
  • Fix: style switcher
  • Add: add migrate.js
  • Upd: language files
  • Fix: pagination output* Upd: tags filter


  • Added function for auto-setup cherry-plugin
  • Moved the help tips from child theme in the framework
  • Change help text and update cherry plugin zip
  • Added auto-replace current Cherry Plugin on new version
  • removed wp_enqueue_script for ElastiSlide
  • add including via func. wp_enqueue_style file main-style.css from child-theme
  • remove cleaning up plugin directory after switch cherry themes
  • remove old logic for import/export
  • add new options 'single portfolio layout'
  • added processing multibyte string (support cyrillic)
  • Cut style for carousel shortcodes and remove some files (css/js/images)
  • add comments ID attribute
  • fixed filter on portfolio pages


  • Fix portfolio loop
  • change stylesheet and screenshot
  • cherry framework compatibility wordpress 3.8
  • fix pagination on portfolio and testimonial page
  • fix Isotope gallery in IE10
  • hotfix: add in shortcodes function restoring global var $post
  • fix: output comment count in widget Cherry Recent Comment considering PHP >= v.5.4
  • fix: output comment count for posts considering PHP >= v.5.4
  • fix shortcode icon
  • fix header


  • Add plugin
  • fix header-styling and main-layout options
  • Data management interface fixed
  • hotfix: breadcrumbs divider color
  • Add filter for slider
  • Deleted shortcodes and widgets in framework


  • hotfix page-home.php
  • hotfix file update.php
  • add filter to the static-nav holder
  • change value for API_URL
  • new feature: change layout class via filter
  • up contact-form-7 plugin
  • fix: function for get theme version
  • fix for iPad3 (iOS7)
  • improve: theme customizer
  • speed up for localization
  • change function for output posts date
  • up Customizer and Localization spped
  • fix audio format post
  • Add new shortcode - Carousel OWL, The blog has two new layouts - Full width and Masonry
  • hotfix: change value for DETAILS_URL
  • hotfix: inc max font-size/line-height for heading options
  • fix placeholder color in FF
  • improve: replace option "header color" on "header background"
  • fix styles for layout option
  • remove 'http:' in request URL to the GoogleWebFonts
  • add check for output tagline
  • improve breadcrumbs - set divider through :after pseudo element
  • improve the text version of the slider
  • add new option for Fixed/Fullwidth layout
  • correct style for thumbnail hover state on Portfolio pages


  • small fix custom fields (select) for blog's posts
  • fix conflicts between 'up-localization' and 'develop'
  • update raundabout shortcode
  • Accordion load fix
  • fix slider
  • add registering isotope script on home and front pages
  • fix widgets import when .json file is empty
  • add share buttons options, add related posts on single-portfolio page
  • add new loader images
  • add option Display share button in single post
  • add images for prev commit
  • change all loaders
  • Hot fix options in my comment widget.
  • fix author's avatar in recent comment widget
  • Change vimeo protocol HTTP/1.0 on HTTP/1.1
  • Update languages file, fix less style, fix style for pages 404, FAQ, Add option read more buttons
  • add check for existing file


  • small fix for slider (orderby = title)
  • chenge date format, chenge $ on jQuery in JavaScript
  • small fix for lightbox in portfolio page
  • fix active class in custom menu widget for portfolio pages
  • Fix support wordpress 3.2 +
  • remove attributes from self-closing shortcodes
  • in title_shortcode replace tag on
  • correct Cherry Option panel's style
  • add check for superfish init when fields in wp_options are empty
  • fix widget visibility
  • fix lightbox option in portfolio pages
  • Add new languages
  • Add social networks
  • add localization for some phrase in install process
  • replace % in 2/3/4 columns shortcodes name in visual editor
  • fix iframe for facebook like button
  • add enable/disable lightbox option in portfolio pages
  • add hook 'check_shop_activation'
  • add exclude Privacy Policy page in wp_list_pages function for main nav
  • fix update_option for page_for_posts
  • up CF7 for v.3.5.2
  • fix getting URL to the media file in audio/video portfolio post format
  • fix some bugs and improved usability in installing process
  • correct some styles guided by Theme Unit Test
  • update aqua resizer
  • fix bug with selector '>' in Custom CSS option
  • Change get_the_time('F j, Y') on get_the_date()
  • add generate robot.txt, fix video preview shortcode, fix include fond
  • Hot fix shortcode video preview
  • add include_once media.php
  • Merge branch 'fix-usb' into develop
  • fix image size in team pages
  • output content in FAQ pages
  • update cf7-plugin
  • add check before including lessphp library
  • change button's text in Import Widget Page (show widget settings => next)
  • change button's text in help pointer (dismiss => close)
  • Added sitemap.xml generatior
  • fix output notice for update cherry (from behaart)
  • improved getting path to banner's image
  • Added new shortcode sitemap
  • fix output thumbnail for image post format


  • add prefix 'cherry' for function name: getPostView, setPostViews, getPostVoting
  • fix bug with widget settings import in WP > 3.4


  • change including prettyphoto's script ans style
  • change font-awesome's version
  • remove wd. Permalink from attr in post format title
  • sort portfolio filter & fix breadcrumbs for attachments
  • WP 3.6 compatibility
  • add function get_post_metadata()
  • add full wpml-compatibility
  • logo image changed
  • add nav holder in static-nav.php when pages output via wp_list_pages()