
A lavender-themed todo app

Primary LanguageJava



The frontend is located underneath /frontend and is React with Typescript and TailwindCSS.



The API is located underneath /backend/api and is a Spring Boot application using Hibernate.


The database is located underneath /backend/database and is running Postgres 13. Alongside it is flyway located at backend/database/sql which runs our database migrations. If you would like to add a new database migration increment the version number by 1, append two underscores and give it a camel case name. E.g. v2__newColumn.sql.


All of the infrastructure is containerized and run inside of docker containers, orchestrated by docker compose. If you make changes to any components, running docker-compose up --build -d will restart and rebuild any needed containers. If you have your local docker permissions set up correctly, the frontend is mounted into its container and should rebuild automatically upon change.