• 👨‍🏫 I teach Intro to UI Design and Web Technologies at my alma matter ArtCenter.
  • 👨‍💻 I do contract development work for Whiteboard and Riot New Media, the creators of TBR.
  • 🔌 I co-founded the niche WordPress hosting company Grid & Arrow.
  • 🏡 I'm a husband and raising three young kids in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Mount Airy.
  • 🗺 I was born in Pittsburgh (let's go 🐧) and have called California, New York, Florida, Indiana and the 🏝️ of Grenada home.
  • 🖊 I micro blog my day-to-day life and sometimes post longer form writing on my Jekyll blog.
  • 😄 I attempt to share what I learn as I go and contribute back to projects that have helped me. If one of my repos, pull requests, or forum answers has helped you do your job better, you can buy my next coffee if you're so inclined.