Meteor Video Chat

This is a complete solution which allows you to create a peer2peer video chat system using DDP as the handshake protocol.


This package is under daily development and is currently volatile, it is possible that certain functionality could be broken in the coming weeks, so click watch on the github page (give a star if you like :)) and I will update the changelog in this readme with any major changes. Along with watching the project, I suggest using a static version number and then upgrading to later versions when you are ready. If you detect any errors or can suggest changes/features, ask me here


Find out more about using WebRTC on Chrome here: Find out more about browser compatibility here:


Select a template into which you would like to render the chat and do it like so


I plan to decouple the project from blaze, if you're using angular or React, just attach it to the body.

Before making a call you must initialize the HTML id of the <video> elements which you would like to send the streams to like so:


You must also specify STUN and TURN servers. Here is a list of STUN/TURN servers, be careful - some haven't given explicit permission for you to use them See more about setting your own STUN and TURN servers here:

  Meteor.VideoCallServices.STUNTURN = {"iceServers":[
                                    {url: "",
                                    credential: "dave",

This could be done just before you make/ as you receive the call, or in Meteor.startup.

If you like, you can set a ringtone, which will play on loop when a call is received:


By default, when it has not been possible to connect, the program will try 10 times to negotiate a connection. You can override it using the following:

Meteor.VideoCallServices.connectionRetryLimit = 10; 


Initialize events in the client-side Meteor.startup.

 Meteor.VideoCallServices.onReceivePhoneCall = function(){
	     //Code to be executed when a call is received
 Meteor.VideoCallServices.onCallTerminated = function(){
	     //Code to be executed when the call has been ended by either user. 
 Meteor.VideoCallServices.onCallIgnored = function(){
	     //Code to be executed when the call has been ended by either user. 
 Meteor.VideoCallServices.onWebcamFail = function(error){
        //Code to be executed when a webcam isn't available in the browser instance 
        //Here you could terminate the call, or try and get the details again with a prompt 
        //You may want to make clear to users that they will have to allow permission

State changes

To keep track of the status, to allow you give feedback to the user, there is a session variable entitled "callState" see below the states and feedback message. All states have a "timestamp" field along with two other basic fields entitled caller and callee which container the appropriate user IDs

| ----- message ----- | Status code | Explanation |

| "Received Call" | ------ "R" ------ | The call have been received by the callee and a response has been sent to initiate connection |

| "Call Answered" | ----- "A" ----- | The callee has answered the call and allowed access to their webcam |

|"Call Ignored" | ----- "IG" ----- | The callee has explicitly said that they do not want to continue with the call |

|"Call cancelled" | ---- "D" ---- | The call was cancelled before a connection was established |

|"Ice failed, retrying connection" | ----- "IRS" ----- | No successful ICE candidates were established, retrying connection |

|"Call failed"| ----- "F" -----| It was not possible to connect, call abort |

|"Call Successful"| ---"CON"--- | Connection between the 2 users has been successful and a video chat should be running at this point. |

|"Call Finished"| ---"FIN"--- | Call has been carried out successfully and has finished To use these codes, I would create a helper to reactively handle the state changes and display more eloquent messages

Making a Call

If you are initializing the webcam and making a call in the same function block, it is best to call the callRemote() function from within the loadLocalWebcam() callback like so:

Meteor.VideoCallServices.loadLocalWebcam(true, function() {
  Meteor.VideoCallServices.callRemote(**meteor _id of the user you are calling**)

The first parameter specifies whether you would like to set up the peer connection, as this is called automatically by receiving a call.

Meteor.VideoCallServices.loadLocalWebcam(false, callback);

Regardless of how you initialise it, the webcam stream will be available on Meteor.localStream

Receiving a phone call

A number of things happen when you receive a phone call: onReceivePhoneCall() function is called and the, if you set a ringtone, it will be set to play, a helper called "incomingPhoneCall" will be set to true and so will a session variable called "phoneIsRinging".

To answer a call, like before you must initialize the peer connection and webcam and then call the answerCall()function. The first parameter must be false.

    Meteor.VideoCallServices.loadLocalWebcam(false, function() {

Answer call stops the ringtone, sets the aforementioned helper/session variables to false and directs the caller and callee video streams to the appropriate <video> elements.

Ending a call

To end a call simply call the following function:


This will call the same function for both users, which will be followed by the "onCallTerminated" event.

Next steps

  1. Improve Example
  2. Implement Cordova support