License your intellectual property using non-fungible tokens. Created with 0xCert, NES.css, and StackBlitz. ⚡️ Asset metadata API using Python Flask.

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Issue licenses for your intellectual property using non-fungible tokens!

Created with 0xCert, NES.css, and StackBlitz ⚡️

Asset Metadata API using Python Flask.


Use Metamask to interact with the application. Any other web3 provider should work as well.

New Asset

Creates a new asset ledger and assigns a symbol. Must supply metadata API endpoint. For example, http://copyrights.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/1

Issue License

After a new asset ledger has been created, users can mint a new licenses for the asset.


This page shows the licenses issued on a particular ledger. Currently, dapp is set up to read from the contract located at: 0x302e107ffc476865dd2d01545b96957f104f5cfc on Ropsten Test Network.

Supported Licenses

WIP however plans to start with "MIT", "NFT License v2", and "CCv4"

IP Metadata Asset

{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "description": "NFT License Schema", "properties": { "licenseName": { "description": "The common name of the license, i.e. MIT or NFTv3.", "type": "string" }, "licenseURI": { "description": "IPFS hash or URI where license is hosted.", "type": "string" }, "assetLocation": { "description": "IPFS hash, URI, git repository, or NFT contract address where licensed asset is located.", "type": "string" }, "registration": { "description": "0-Not Registered, 1-Pending, otherwise -.", "type": "string" } }, "required": ["$schema"], "title": "NFT License", "type": "object", }