
Ruby bindings for Libredis. This project needs a better name...

Primary LanguageC++

Ruby Bindings to Libredis

To build:

cd ext
ruby extconf.rb

For some reason, I had a hard time getting it to work with the shared object that
Libredis normally outputs. Maybe it's just me. Still, I had it output a static
library instead and have included it (compiled for OS X) in ext/lib. For what it's
worth, extconf.rb tries to find the shared object first, then reverts back to
using the included library.

It only supports very simple SET and GET operations at the moment. It only
supports a single connection. It does not do batch operations. It does not come
with batteries and may explode at will.

Still, if you want to give it a try, it looks a bit like this:

>> require 'ext/redis'
=> true

>> r = Redis.new('')
=> #<Redis:0x108150eb0>

>> r.set 'xyz', 'abc'
=> true

>> r.get 'xyz'
=> "abc"

There's a long way to go.
