
Collection of Vulkan samples

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vulkan Samples

This repository holds many samples, showing various aspect of Vulkan, debugging tips and usage of other Nvidia tools. It has a dependency on nvpro_core for some core Vulkan helper classes and other small utilities. All projects are using GLFW and Dear ImGui

Each sample have its own documentation written in Markdown describing what was done and where to get more information.


Easy Method (Windows)

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/nvpro-samples/vk_samples.git
  1. Deploy.bat : pull and update all dependencies.
  2. Build.bat : build all projects in release and optionally to debug.
  3. Install.bat : copy the binaries and dlls to the _Install directory.

Hand Made

git clone --recursive --shallow-submodules https://github.com/nvpro-samples/nvpro_core.git
git clone https://github.com/nvpro-samples/vk_samples.git

Generate solution

cd vk_samples
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Note: If there are missing dependencies in nvpro_core, run the following command in nvpro_core directory.

git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout --force

Extra SDK

Some samples depend on other SDKs. They are only required if you intend to build these projects.


Application Class

The examples are for most using the Application class. This class is a modified version of the Dear ImGui Vulkan example. It is creating the window, based on GLFW, creates and initialize the UI, but also creates the swapchain with ImGui framework.

Samples are attached to the application class as Engines. While the application runs, the sample will be called to render its UI, or to perform rendering operation in the current frame.


The init() function will create the Vulkan context using nvvk::Context, create the GLFW window and create the swapchains by calling ImGui_ImplVulkanH_CreateOrResizeWindow.


The run() function is an infinite loop until the close event is triggered. Within the loop, each engine will be called with:

  • onResize : Called when the viewport size is changing
  • onUIRender : Called for anything related to UI
  • onRender : For anything to render within a frame, with the command buffer of the frame.
  • onUIMenu : To add functions to the menubar

At the end of each loop the frame is rendered with frameRender() then the frame is presented with framePresent().

Basic Samples

If you are new to this repository, the first samples to read to better understand the framwork are solid color and rectangle.

Name Description Image
solid_color Set a user custom color to a pixel wide texture and display it.
rectangle Render a 2D rectangle to GBuffer.
aftermath Integrate the Nsight Aftermath SDK to an existing application
image_ktx Display KTX image and apply tonemap post processing
image_viewer Load an image, allow to zoom and pan under mouse cursor
mm_displacement Micro-mesh displacement
mm_opacity Micromap opacity
msaa Hardware Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing
shader_printf Add printf to shader and display in a log window
raytrace Simple ray tracer using metalic-roughness shading, reflection and shadows and simple sky shader.
shading execution reorder Known also as SER, this shows how to reorder execution rays to gain a better usage of the GPU.
simple_polygons Rasterizing multiple polygonal objects.
offscreen Render without window context and save image to disk.
tiny_shader_toy Compile shader on the fly, diplay compilation errors, multiple pipeline stages.


Copyright 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0. See "LICENSE" file for details.