
Change a DDEV project's timezone and language.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

tests project is maintained


What is ddev-locale?

DDEV-locale is design to setup the DDEV web container for a specific locale. In additional, it serves as documentation for DDEV internationalization.

DDEV has 2 related locale settings:

  • timezone.
  • system locale.

This addon, by default, sets both of these to Japan (Japanese). Why Japan? Japan has a single timezone and a single encoding locale. It is also where my team is based.

Why ddev-locale?

DDEV allows encoding to be set globally (via web-environment). Timezone, however, is a per-project setting.

As of writing, DDEV includes all language files which significantly inflates the web server container size. If/when the language files are removed, this addon will be updated to install the language pack.

Getting started

  1. Install this addon.

    ddev get tyler36/ddev-locale
    ddev restart


To change either setting, you need to update .ddev/config.locale.yaml.

  1. Remove ## ddev-generated from the file. This will prevent DDEV from updating it.

Change timezone

  1. To change timezones, update the timezone line with the TZ identifier for your desired location. See List of tz database time zones

Change locale

  1. To update the language, update the web_environment line.

This contains up to 3 parts:

A 3rd code-set value (separated with .) is optional.

For example: LANG=en_AU.UTF-8

  • English language.
  • Australian territory.
  • UTF-8 code-set.

Components of the repository

  • config.locale.yaml: the settings that are merging with the project's configuration.
  • An install.yaml file that describes how to install the service or other component.
  • A test suite in test.bats that makes sure the service continues to work as expected.
  • Github actions setup so that the tests run automatically when you push to the repository.

How to debug tests (Github Actions)

  1. You need an SSH-key registered with GitHub. You either pick the key you have already used with github.com or you create a dedicated new one with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 64 -f tmate_ed25519 -C "$(date +'%d-%m-%Y')" and add it at https://github.com/settings/keys.

  2. Add the following snippet to ~/.ssh/config:

Host *.tmate.io
    User git
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    UseKeychain yes
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tmate_ed25519
  1. Go to https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/actions/workflows/tests.yml.

  2. Click the Run workflow button and you will have the option to select the branch to run the workflow from and activate tmate by checking the Debug with tmate checkbox for this run.


  1. After the workflow_dispatch event was triggered, click the All workflows link in the sidebar and then click the tests action in progress workflow.

  2. Pick one of the jobs in progress in the sidebar.

  3. Wait until the current task list reaches the tmate debugging session section and the output shows something like:

106 SSH: ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
107 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key> PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
108 SSH: ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
109 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key> PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io
  1. Copy and execute the first option ssh PRbaS7SLVxbXImhjUqydQBgDL@nyc1.tmate.io in the terminal and continue by pressing either q or Ctrl + c.

  2. Start the Bats test with bats ./tests/test.bats.

For a more detailed documentation about tmate see Debug your GitHub Actions by using tmate.


PRs are welcome, especially if they contain tests.

Contributed and maintained by @tyler36