
The ongoing process of the semester project for Software Development Methods and Tools

Primary LanguageJava


The ongoing process of the semester project for Software Development Methods and Tools

Who: List of people on the team:

                             Tyler Albee - tyleralbee

                             Kyle Giacomini - suveck
                             Anna Shea - annashea
                             Cody Mattern - CodyMattern

Title: Pinned!

Description: The application will ultimately strive to exist as the first mainstream social media tailored to leverage user location as opposed to user thoughts, pictures, information, or video. The user will be able to place a pin on his or her personal map in desired location, viewable by those allowed to view the user's pin, set by the user. The pin can hold a description and a picture or video, along with the implication to go to the pin at a later time. If the user desires to meet with his or her friends at the pin that was placed, they have the ability to set a meeting.

Vision statement: Our goal is to make catching up with your friends and local community as easy as possible. By allowing users to take advantage of geolocator based notifications and events users can easily organize for meet ups or put notes/pictures/videos for others at any location.

Motivation: One of the group members, Tyler Albee, has been working on the design process of this app for a few months now, and we're all interested in learning the app making process, from start to finish. This app would allow for a much more immersive social media interaction as any person could instantly relate to the areas around them, by having notifications geolocation based it would make setting up times and places to meet with your friends incredibly easy, compared to the competitors.

Risks: This project is a very large undertaking, and could certainly be biting off more than we can chew. However, dividing our work into sprints will help us to move the mountain one shovel full at a time. It will be a bit difficult collaborating efficiently as a group when we are all very busy students.

Mitigation strategy for dealing with the risk: We are going to divide work as well as we possibly can, and use all of the resources we have available to us here at CU to help us deal with problems we don't know how to solve.

User stories: *Rankings are done in the Fibonacci scale, as done in the lab.

  1. As a new user of the app, I would like to login, so that I can begin to use the app. (Critical) [1]
  2. As a new user of the app, I would like to connect via Facebook, so I will have an easier time finding friends. (High) [1]
  3. As a user of the app, I would like to have the permissions the app needs to be explained to me, so I can better trust the app with my information. (Med) [1/2]
  4. As a user of the app, I would like to be able to add friends, to see who else is using the app. (Critical) [5]
  5. As a user of the app, I would like to be able to see a visual mapping of the area around me, so I can better understand where I am. (Critical) [2]
  6. As a user of the app, I would like to be able to see things people want to share with me on said map, so that I can tie that information to a location. (Critical) [34]
  7. As a user of the app, I would like to be able to place those pins myself, and choose who I want to share them with. (Critical) [21]

Methodology: Waterfall design process, Agile coding process

Project Tracking software: Trello

Link to project tracking software: https://trello.com/b/gLrBdsLX

Project plan: https://github.com/tyleralbee/SDMT-Semester-Project/blob/master/Trello.png