
JSON Graph Tree Diffing Module

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JSON Graph Tree Diffing Module


This module provides a function to diff two JSON Graph Trees and results in a list of patch operations.

An example of the output follows:

const tree1 = {
    key: 0,
    path: [],
    label: 'div',
    attrs: { },
    children: [
            key: 0,
            path: [ 0 ],
            label: 'p',
            attrs: { },
            children: []

const tree2 = {
    key: 0,
    path: [],
    label: 'div',
    attrs: { },
    children: [
            key: 0,
            path: [ 0 ],
            label: 'p',
            attrs: { className: 'child-class' },
            children: []

console.log( diff( tree1, tree2 ));
// [{
//     op: 'UPDATE',
//     node: { key: 0, path: [ 0 ] },
//     type: 'attr',
//     attr: 'className',
//     value: 'child-class'
// }];

A JSON Graph Tree is a JSON Object of nodes in the following formats:

`type standard node`: {
    key: `<string>`,
    path: [ `<string>` ],
    label: `<string>`,
    attrs: { `<string>`: `<string>` },
    children: [

`type leaf node`: {
    key: `<string>`,
    path: [ `<string>` ],
    label: `<string>`,
    attrs: { `<string>`: `<string>` },
    text: `<string>`

Provided two trees, the output of the diffing function is a list of patch operations:

`type patch`: {
    op: `<string:operation>`,
    node: {
        key: `<string>`,
        path: [ `<string>` ]

Supported operations include:

  • INSERT - The node attribute contains the entire <node>
  • REORDER - The attribute index: <int> is provided
  • UPDATE - The attributes type: <string>, attr: <string>, and value: <string> are provided


( Not published yet ) $ npm install --save js-tree-diff



$ npm install


$ npm run tests

Build ( pre-publish only )

$ npm run build