
A PHP class for interfacing with Gravatar

Primary LanguagePHP


Name:			Class Gravatar
Version:		1.1
Description:	A PHP class to make using Gravatar easier


We owe this class to Lucas Araújo (araujo.lucas@gmail.com), the author of the original class on phpclasses.org. His original implementation can still be found at http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/4227.html.

The GitHub fork was created and is maintained by Tyler Christensen (tyler9xp@gmail.com).


From the Gravatar Help:

“A gravatar is a dynamic image resource that is requested from our server. The request URL is presented here, broken into its segments."

Using this class, one can check whether an Gravatar image exists for a given email address and retrieve its URL. The following additional parameters may be specified:

- default (the URL of an image to be returned should no Gravatar exist)
- rating (a measure of appropriateness to filter out explicit Gravatars)
- size (an integer to define what the width of the [square] Gravatar should be)

If Gravatar implements additional options, they can also be specified by setting the value of extras to an array of the additional options.


The following code will check to see if a Gravatar exists, and if so, show it with no parameters.

$email = "youremail@yourhost.com";
$gravatar = new Gravatar($email);	// create new Gravatar with email
$gravatar->size = 128;
$gravatar->rating = "G";

if ($gravatar->gravatarExists()) {
	echo '<img src="' . $gravatar . '" alt="" />';	
} else {
	echo 'No Gravatar exists for this email address';

A sample PHP program is included that shows a similar demonstration and can be run on your own server without modification.

Other Functions

$Grav = new Gravatar( [$email, [$default]] );	// make a Gravatar object
bool $Grav->setEmail($email);
bool $Grav->setDefault($default);

bool $Grav->setRating($rating);					// maximum rating (G,PG,R,X)
bool $Grav->setSize($size);						// size to get URL of
bool $Grav->setExtra($extra);					// parameters to add to img tag

bool $Grav->gravatarExists();					// check if Gravatar exists
string $Grav->imageTag()						// get a complete <img> tag
string $Grav->gravatarLink()					// get the Gravatar.com URL

echo $Grav										// same as $Grav->gravatarLink()

Version History

1.2: August 11, 2012

Updated class to work with Gravatar’s API, which changed since the last release. E-mail validity is now checked with PHP’s built-in validation functions, not the deprecated eregi.

1.1: January 7, 2010

Added the ability to check whether a Gravatar exists, and copied the project to GitHub.

1.0: November 15, 2007

Lucas Araújo’s original release on phpclasses.org.