
A jQuery plugin for adding events for clicking outside of any particular element(s)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jQuery plugin for handling the event of clicking outside of any particular element(s)

This event is compatible with jQuery's standard event API. Note that the clickout events do not bubble up the DOM tree and typically execute before all click event handlers.

For the sake of consistency, this plugin makes a slight modifications to the jQuery internals. Otherwise, the timing of the click event handlers would be less predictable! If this causes any compatability issues, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

There are two ways to register a clickout event handler. One strategy is to register it with the on method.

$('#foo').on('clickout', function (event) {
	window.alert('You clicked outside of the tag whose id attribute is "foo."');

The other way is to use the helper method.

$('#foo').clickOut(function (event) {
	window.alert('You clicked outside of the tag whose id attribute is "foo."');

Note that the order in which you attach the event handlers matters. They will be executed in a depth-first-search manner in the order in which the handlers are attached.

There are three ways to trigger the event. One strategy is to use the trigger method.


The second way is to the the helper method.


Finally, simply clicking outside of the element will trigger the event as well.