
A simple Python client for the BloomSky API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

BloomSky API




Documentation Status

A simple Python client for the BloomSky API.

Note: Neither this package nor its maintainer are affiliated with BloomSky.

For more information about the BloomSky device and its API, see: http://weatherlution.com/bloomsky-api/


Getting Started


pip install BloomSky-API

To install optional command-line interface (requires click):

pip install BloomSky-API[cli]


You can either store the API key in an environment variable named BLOOMSKY_API_KEY or provide it as an argument when creating the client.

Stored in environment variable:

import bloomsky_api
client = bloomsky_api.BloomSkyAPIClient()
data = client.get_data()

Provided via argument:

import bloomsky_api
client = bloomsky_api.BloomSkyAPIClient(api_key='Your-real-API-key-goes-here')
data = client.get_data()

Command Line Interface

If you install the optional command-line interface, the bloomsky-api command will be available. Usage:

Usage: bloomsky-api [OPTIONS]

  Retrieve data from the BloomSky API and output it as JSON.

  --api-key TEXT         BloomSky API key (can be set via env var
  --api-url TEXT         Override BloomSky API endpoint URL.
  --json-indent INTEGER  Number of spaces to indent nested JSON levels.
  -i, --intl-units       Use SI units instead of the default US.
  --raw                  Return raw response instead of remapped keys.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


The returned data contains all of the information from the API response but with more Pythonic names and data types.