
Reactivities social network site built in course - .Net Core + React

Primary LanguageC#

//run api project dotnet watch run

//script to run initial migration from the main foler dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -p Persistence/ -s API/

dotnet ef migrations add Seedvalues -p Persistence/ -s API/

Steps to reseed db //dotnet ef database drop -p Persistence/ -s API/ //dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate -p Persistence/ -s API/ //dotnet watch run from api folder

MediatR Takes object in > Handler > object out Flow in app: Controller > mediaror.send(object) > object > handler > object > Controller Command Handler: Activity goes in and Object comes out with some data about a successful save Query Handler: Object in to retrive by id > object about the requested object is the object out as a dto

Clean Architecture Devices/DB/UI/Web > Gateways/Controllers/Presenters > UseCases - Appliction Business Rules > Entities - Enterprise Busienss Rules

//Client Error Handling Strategy

  1. 401 unauthorized
  2. 500
  3. 404 not found resouce not found in db
  4. 400 Bad request to validate properties

// Used: dotnet user-secrets add "TokenKey" "key name" to store the hashing key in dotnet locally for development. Security measure