
A JavaScript library for the Dribbble API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Jribbble Build Status

A JavaScript library for the Dribbble API

The Oauth Process

To use Jribbble, you must obtain a valid Oauth access token. For help getting a token and live examples, see the guide at https://jribbble.glitch.me

Getting Jribbble

Jribbble is available on npm or by direct download.

npm install jribbble

or direct download:

Using Jribbble

Jribbble works will all public scoped methods of the Dribbble API.

  <script src="/path/to/jribbble.min.js"></script>
    jribbble.shots({token: "<your_oauth_access_token>"}, function(shotsArray) {
      console.log(shotsArray); // The JSON from the API Request.

Refer to the Dribbble V2 API Docs for details on response objects.

Setting your access token

Before you can use any of Jribbble's methods, you must set your Dribbble app's client access token. If you do not have a token, follow the setup guide on https://jribbble.glitch.me

You can set the token as an option of any method call as shown in the examples {token: "<your_oauth_access_token>"}, or you can set it with jribbble.setToken:


Description: Sets the required Dribbble access_token


  • token - required String Your Dribbble access_token from the Oauth handshake process

Using setToken is optional. It’s probably most useful if you’re calling multiple jribbble methods on a single page.

Example usage:


Available methods

Methods that will only work with Dribbble-approved apps

Note: You will need to contact Dribbble support to get an approved app, Jribbble can't approve apps.


jribbble.shots(id, options, callback)

Description: Gets your shots or a single shot by id.


  • id - optional String or Number A shot id
  • options - optional Object Key:value pairs. Valid keys include token, page, and per_page
  • callback - Function Will receive a single argument. An single shot object if an id was provided, an array of shot objects if no id provided.

Example usage:

// Get a list of your shots and display them in the DOM.
jribbble.shots({token: "<your_oauth_access_token>"}, function(shotsArray) {
  document.querySelector(".dribbble-shots").innerHTML = shotsArray.reduce(function(html, shot) {
    return html + '<li><a href="'+  shot.html_url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + shot.images.normal + '"></a></li>';
  }, "");
// Get a single shot by id and display it as an `img` in the DOM.
jribbble.shots("2055068", {token: "<your_oauth_access_token>"}, function(shotObject) {
  docment.getElementById("shot").innerHTML = '<img src="' + shot.images.normal + '">';
// Get the second page of your shots at 12 per page and display them in the DOM.
jribbble.shots({token: "<your_oauth_access_token>", page: 2, per_page: 12}, function(shotsArray) {
  document.querySelector(".dribbble-shots").innerHTML = shotsArray.reduce(function(html, shot) {
    return html + '<li><a href="'+  shot.html_url + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + shot.images.normal + '"></a></li>';
  }, "");

See the Dribbble API Docs for Shots for the full response object.


jribbble.user(options, callback)

Description: Gets the current user based on the access_token.


  • callback - Function Will receive a single argument. An single shot object if an id was provided, an array of shot objects if no id provided.

Example usage:

// Get your profile information and display it in the DOM
jribbble.user({ token: "your_oauth_access_token" }, function(userObj) {
  var html = [
    '<img src="' + userObj.avatar_url + '">',
    '<h3>' + userObj.name + '</h3>',
    '<h4>' + userObj.bio + '</h4>',
    '<p>Location: ' + userObj.location + '</p>'
  document.getElementById("user").innerHTML = html.join("");

See the Dribbble API Docs for User for the full response object.


jribbble.projects(options, callback)

Description: Gets the current users projects

Example usage:

// Get a list of your projects and display them in the DOM.
jribbble.projects({token: "your_oauth_access_token"}, function(projectsArray) {
  document.querySelector(".dribbble-projects").innerHTML = projectsArray.reduce(function(html, project) {
    return html + '<li><h4>' + project.name + '</h4><p>' + project.description + '</p></li>';
  }, "");

See the Dribbble API Docs for Projects for the full response object.


Note: This will only work for Dribbble-approved applications.

jribbble.likes(options, callback)

Description: Gets the current users likes

Example usage:

jribbble.likes({token: "your_oauth_access_token"}, function(likesArray) {
  // Do cool stuff with response

See the Dribbble API Docs for Likes for the full response object.


Note: This will only work for Dribbble-approved applications.

jribbble.popular(options, callback)

Description: Gets a list of popular shots

Example usage:

jribbble.popular({token: "your_oauth_access_token"}, function(shotsArray) {
  // Do cool stuff with response

See the Dribbble API Docs for popular shots for the full response object.


Methods that get a list of items can use pagination as described in the Dribbble Docs

You can provide page and per_page via the options object of Jribbble methods.


jribbble.shots({page: 2, per_page: 13}, function(shotsArray) {});


Jribbble is open source. Issues and pull requests gladly accepted.

Install development dependencies:

npm install


For PRs to be accepted, all tests must pass. They in Travis for all PRs. There are two options to run tests locally.

Watch all files and rerun tests on change:

npm run test-watch

Run all tests once:

npm test

Using Jribbble locally

We don't have any type of built in setup for this. To work locally, I create a file in the root directory sandbox.html. This file is ignored by git. In there I add HTML as an end-user would, expect I point to the src version of Jribbble to test new changes as I'm working.

I view sandbox.html in a browser using a Python server:

python -m http.server

Building Jribbble

Jribbble includes a Makefile that includes a build task. The task copies the jribbble.js source to the /dist directory–adding the version number and build date–and creates a minified version of it using UglifyJS2.

To build Jribbble you'll need UglifyJS2:

npm install uglify-js -g

then from the root directory run
