taskbuster Django Project

My Django as well as other helpful notes. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/intro/tutorial01/ http://www.marinamele.com/taskbuster-django-tutorial

File Structure

My ideal Django folder structure

taskbuster_project/         <-- The outer taskbuster_project/ root directory is just a container for the project. 
                            --- Its name doesn't matter to Django, and it can be changed.
    env/                    <-- The env/ directory is where the Python3 virtual environement (env) is housed.
    .git/                   <-- The .git/ directory is the git repository.
    .gitignore              <-- The .gitignore file is the git ignore list.
    README.md               <-- The README.md file is the readme of the project.
    requirements.txt        <-- The requirements.txt file is a list of all pip installed packages.
    manage.py               <-- manage.py: A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways.
    taskbuster/             <-- The inner taskbuster/ directory is the actual Python package for your the. It's name is the Python package name.
        __init__.py         <-- taskbuster/__init__.py: An empty file indicating that this folder is a Python package.
        settings.py         <-- taskbuster/settings.py: Settings/configuration for the Django project.
        urls.py             <-- taskbuster/urls.py: The URL declarations for the Django project.
        wsgi.py             <-- taskbuster/wsgi.py: An entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.
    polls/                  <-- The polls/ directory is the Django app that was created with the [manage.py startapp polls] command
        __init__.py         <-- polls/__init__.py: An empty file indicating that this folder is a Python package.
        admin.py            <-- polls/admin.py: 
        apps.py             <-- polls/apps.py: 
        models.py           <-- polls/models.py: 
        tests.py            <-- polls/tests.py: 
        views.py            <-- polls/views.py: 
        migrations/         <-- The polls/migrations/ directory 
            __init__.py     <-- polls/migrations/__init__.py: An empty file indicating that this folder is a Python package.


Global Setup

Install Python3, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper-win

Project Setup

Input the following commands into the shell prompt:

mkdir taskbuster_project                    <-- Creates the taskbuster_project directory.
cd taskbuster_project                       <-- Change directory into the taskbuster_project folder.
mkvirtualenv tb_dev                         <-- Create the python virtual environment for tb_dev.
ve tb_dev                                   <-- Alias to activate the virtual environment
pip install Django                          <-- Install Django within the virtual environment
Django-admin.py startproject taskbuster .   <-- Create a Django project, the '.' tells Django to not create a project root folder.
vs .gitignore                               <-- Alias to create the .gitignore file with visual studio code.
git init                                    <-- Initialize the git repository.
vs README.md                                <-- Alias to create the README.md file with visual studio code.

Updating .gitignore

copy the following into .gitignore:

__pycache__/                                <-- Ignores any and all __pycache__ directories.
*.sqlite3                                   <-- Ignores the sqlite3 databases.

Initializing .git

Initialize the repository:

git status                                  <-- Retrieves the git repository status
git add .                                   <-- Adds all files, folders, and subfolders from current (root) folder and down.
git commit -m "Initializing git"            <-- Commits the changes and appends the change with a message.

Connecting .git to Github

Connect local to GitHub repository:

git remote add origin git@github.com:tylerhardy/taskbuster_project.git  <-- Connects the local git repository to the one on GitHub
git push -u origin master                                               <-- Pushes the local repository to the master on GitHub

To remote a remote url:

git remote -v
git remote rm <name>

Test Driven Development


Setup Environemnt

mkvirtualenv tb_test                    <-- Create the python virtual environment for tb_test.
ve tb_test                              <-- Alias to activate the tb_test virtual environment.
pip install django                      <-- Install Django.
pip install --upgrade selenium          <-- Install selenium.
mkdir functional_tests                  <-- Create the 'functional_tests' directory.
cd functional_tests                     <-- Change directory into the functional_tests directory.
vs all_users.py                         <-- Create a new file called 'all_users.py' and open in Visual Studio Code.

Download the chome webdriver to work with selenium: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads. Extract the file and place it into the windows root directory (C:\Windows).

First TDD Test

In the all_users.py file input the following:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-                                         # Indicates the coding of the file.
from selenium import webdriver                                  # Imports 'selenium' and 'unittest', a Python library for testing.
import unittest

class NewVisitorTest(unittest.TestCase):                        # Creats a 'TestCase' class, named 'NewVisitorTest'.

    def setUp(self):                                            # A 'setUp' method that initializes the test.
        self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()                      # Opens the browser.
        self.browser.implicitly_wait(3)                         # Waits 3 seconds if needed (if the page is not loaded).

    def tearDown(self):                                         # A 'tearDown' method that runs after each test.
        self.browser.quit()                                     # Closes the browser.

                                                                # The 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods run at the beginning and at the end of each 'test' method.

    def test_it_worked(self):                                   # A method that starts with 'test'.
        self.assertIn('Welcome to Django', self.browser.title)  # Asserts that the title of the webpage has 'Welcome to Django' in it.

if __name__ == '__main__':                                      # Only if Python runs the file directly (not imported) it will execute the function 'unittest.main()'.  
                                                                # This function launches the 'unittest Test runner', that identifies the different tests defined by looking for methods that start with 'test'.
    unittest.main(warnings='ignore')                            # The 'unittest.main() function is called with the optional parameter "warnings='ignore'" to avoid a ResourceWarning message.

Run the test:

python all_users.py                         <-- Performs the test specified above.

The test should come back with an error. Start the Django development server and rerun the test.

python manage.py runserver                  <-- Start the Django development server.
python all_users.py                         <-- Performs the test specified above.

The test should come back passing. You can manually test the server by opening a new browser tab and navigate to: http://localhost:8000/. If everything is working correctly the page will show It worked!.

Common Django Commands

python -m Django --version                  <-- Checks which version of Django is installed
Django-admin startproject taskbuster        <-- Create a Django project.
python manage.py runserver                  <-- Start the Django development server.
python manage.py runserver 8080             <-- Start the Django development server with a different port number.
python manage.py startapp polls             <-- Create a new app within the Django project.
python manage.py migrate                    <-- Command to 
python manage.py makemigrations appname     <-- Command to 

Environment Requirments and Django Settings

Virtual Environments Requirements

mkdir requirements                                                      <-- Creat new folder called 'requirements'.
cd requirements                                                         <-- Change directory to the requiremenst folder.
echo Django==1.11 >> base.txt                                           <-- Create the 'base.txt' file with the echo string.
echo -r base.txt | tee -a development.txt testing.txt production.txt    <-- Append all files with "-r base.txt".
echo selenium==3.4.1 >> testing.txt                                     <-- Create the 'testing.txt' file with the echo string.
..                                                                      <-- Go up a directory.
ve tb_dev                                                               <-- Activate the development virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements/development.txt                             <-- Install the development.txt requirements.
d                                                                       <-- Deactivate the development virtual environment.
ve tb_test                                                              <-- Activate the testing virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements/testing.txt                                 <-- Install the testing.txt requirements.
d                                                                       <-- Deactivate the testing virtual environment.

Split Django Settings

Create a settings folder within the taskbuster folder (not the taskbuster_proj folder).

mkdir taskbuster\settings                   <-- Create new folder called 'settings' within the 'taskbuster' directory.
cd taskbuster\settings                      <-- Change directory to the taskbuster\settings\ folder.
touch __init__.py                           <-- Create an emtpy __init__.py file.
echo # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | tee -a development.py testing.py production.py staging.py    <-- Append files with the echo string.
echo from .base import * | tee -a development.py testing.py production.py staging.py        <-- Append files with the echo string.
mv ../settings.py base.py                   <-- Move the settings.py from up-one-level directory into the current directory as base.py.

Modify Virtual Environment Activate Script

Navigate to where the tb_dev and tb_test virtual environments are located. Modify the activate.bat file for each one and append the following:

tb_dev environment:

set "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=taskbuster.settings.development"            <-- The enviroment setting to point to the development Django settings.

tb_test environment:

set "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=taskbuster.settings.testing"                <-- The enviroment setting to point to the test Django settings.

Debug Settings

Cut the DEBUG variable from the base.py and copy it into the development.py and testing.py setting files. Copy the same variable but set to False into the production.py and staging.py setting files.

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True # True for development.py and testing.py and False for production.py and staging.py

Secret Key

Copy and remove the secret key from base.py and paste it in a new file called secret.py.

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = '<secret key>'                 #-- Django's secret key.

In the base.py file paste the following:

from .secret import *                       #-- Imports everything from the settings.secret module (settings/secret.py)

Static Files

Create a new folder within the taskbuster/ directory called static. This folder will contain all the static files that are global for the whole project, such as CSS or javascript files.

cd taskbuster                               <-- Change directory to 'taskbuster'.
mkdir static                                <-- Create a new directory called 'static'.

To tell Django to point to this location open base.py file and append the following after STATIC_URL:

    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),

Template Settings

Create a new folder within the taskbuster/ directory called templates. This folder will contain all the templates that will be used throughout all of the project.

cd taskbuster                               <-- Change directory to 'taskbuster'.
mkdir templates                             <-- Create a new directory called 'templates'.

Update the base.py setting file to point Django to the global template folder:

'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],          # Tells Django where else to look for template folders.

HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap


  • Move the files index.html, 404.html, humans.txt and robots.txt into the taskbuster/templates folder.
  • Change the name of index.html to base.html. The index file is usually the template of your Home page, but we will use it as a base template — all our site templates will inherit from this base template.
  • Move the other files and folders into the taskbuster/static folder
  • If you have an icon you would like to use for your app, replace it for the favicon.ico file (I recommend you use the same name).
  • I also removed the files apple-touch-icon.png, browserconfig.xml, tile-wide.png and tile.png.

Home Page with Test Driven Development - Test First

Convert the folder function_tests into a Python package by including an empty file named __init__.py inside.

cd functional_tests                     <-- Change directory to 'functional_tests'.
touch __init__.py                       <-- Creates an empty file named '__init__.py'.

With functional_tests a Python package we can now run our functional tests with:

git mv functional_tests/all_users.py functional_tests/test_all_users.py     <-- Renames the file with git so it will start with 'test'.
python manage.py test functional_tests                                      <-- Runs the test runner to find files that start with 'test'.

Modify First TDD Test

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from selenium import webdriver
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import LiveServerTestCase

class NewVisitorTest(LiveServerTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()

    def tearDown(self):

    def get_full_url(self, namespace):
        return self.live_server_url + reverse(namespace)

    def test_home_title(self):
        self.assertIn('TaskBuster', self.browser.title)

    def test_h1_css(self):
        h1 = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('h1')
        self.assertEqual(h1.value_of_css_property('color'), "rgba(200, 50, 255, 1)")
  • Define an auxiliar function named get_full_url that takes one argument, the namespace.
    • A namespace is an identifier for a url.
    • self.live_server_url gives you the local host url (http://localhost:8021).
    • Reverse gives you the relative url of a given namespace (/).
    • The resulting function gives you the absolute url of that namespace (the sum of the previous two (http://localhost:8021/)).
  • The test_home_title method tests that the home page title contains the word 'TaskBuster'.
  • The test_h1_css method tests that the h1 text has the desired color.
  • if __name__ == '__main__' statement was removed as functional_tests is now a package that will run with the Django test runner.

Home Page with Test Driven Development - Code Next

Open taskbuster/urls.py and append the following:

from .views import home                 # Using '.views' instead of 'taskbuster.views' is that making it relative we can change the name 
                                        # of the project without fear of breaking something.
urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', home, name='home')       # 

Create a file in taskbuster/ called views.py. Input the following:

def home(request):
    return ""

Create a new file in taskbuster folder called test.py and input the follwoing code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

class TestHomePage(TestCase):
    def test_uses_index_template(self):
        response = self.client.get(reverse('home'))
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'taskbuster/index.html')

    def test_uses_base_template(self):
        response = self.client.get(reverse('home'))
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'base.html')

Run the test we just created with the following command:

python manage.py test taskbuster.test

Create the taskbuster/index.html template:

cd taskbuster/templates
mkdir taskbuster
touch taskbuster\index.html

Open taskbuster\views.py and add the following:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.shortcuts import render

def home(request):
    return render(request, 'taskbuster/index.html', {})

Where we have used the shortcut render, which lets you load a template, create a context adding a bunch of variables by default, such as information about the current logged-in user, or the current language, render it and return an HttpResponse, all in one function.

Modify base.html file and change the <title></title> to the follwoing:

        <title>{% block title %}{% endblock title %}</title>

These two template tags, {% block title %} and {% endblock title %} mark the beginning and the end of a content block, which contents can be replaced by child templates.

Modify index.html file and make it inherit from the base.html file and add a title.

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block title %}TaskBuster Django Tutorial{% endblock title %}

Open taskbuster/static/css/main.css and add the following:

.jumbotron h1 {
    color: rgba(200, 50, 255, 1);

Open base.html and add the following at the beginning of the file:

{% load staticfiles %}

Change links to the static files and scripts of javascript to:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap-theme.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/main.css' %}">
<script src="{% static 'js/vendor/modernizr-2.8.3-respond-1.4.2.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/vendor/bootstrap.min.js' %}"></script>

<script src="{% static 'js/main.js' %}"></script>

Open test_all_users.py and modify the following:

- from django.test import LiveServerTestCase
+ from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase
- class HomeNewVisitorTest(LiveServerTestCase):
+ class HomeNewVisitorTest(StaticLiveServerTestCase):