
A movie data ingester built on top of Skafos.

Primary LanguagePython


This template shows example usage of the Metis Machine platform for the purpose of data ingestion and curation. Fundamentally, the task is to go out each morning and fetch a list of valid movie IDs from www.themoviebd.org (TMDb) and then retrieve additional data about each film (genres, release date, length, etc).


  1. User must sign up and aqcuire a free API key from TMDb.
  1. Set the API key as an environment variable with the skafos CLI.
  • Run from the terminal (in your project directory): skafos env MOVIE_DB --set <API KEY>
  1. User must have git installed and a github account created --> https://git-scm.com/

Project Structure

  • movies
    • __init__.py
    • constants.py
    • logger.py
    • movie_fetch.py
    • movie_info.py
  • metis.config.yml
  • environment.yml
  • README.md
  • main.py


  • movie_fetch.py and movie_info.py contain the classes that handle the ingestion using TMDb API calls. Any methods can be expanded to retrieve more or less data as desired.
  • main.py script is the primary driver for this task. At the end, a list of valid movie ID's and associated information will be written to a project keyspace using the Skafos Data Engine.
  • metis.config.yml allows the user to configure project specific or runtime specific requirements (schedule, resources, run count, etc). See for more information here --> https://metismachine.readme.io/docs/deploying-tasks.
  • Once the user is ready to fire it off (after following the dependency steps above):
    • CREATE: a github repository and attach it to the skafos app here --> https://github.com/apps/skafos
    • OPEN: one of the files and make some sort of change (add a comment, add new functionality, change config file, etc)
    • From Project Directory RUN:
      $ git init
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -am "<message>"
      $ git remote add origin git@github.com:<organization>/<repository-name>.git


These are the environment variables that could be set from the terminal in the project directory using the Skafos CLI. MOVIE_DB and either BACKFILLED_DAYS or FILE_DATE are required and the others are optional. See below for details.


  • MOVIE_DB: API key from TMDb. See above.

at least one of these required

  • BACKFILLED_DAYS: Number of consecutive days in the past for which to fetch movie data.
  • FILE_DATE, format=%Y-%m-%d: Single date for which to fetch movie data.


  • POPULARITY, default=15: Lower threshold on popularity score for a particular movie. Note: most films fall above 15.
  • BATCH_SIZE, default=10: Number of rows written to the database at a time.


Once the steps are completed above, the user has deployed their movie data ingester. To check the status of the build or job run skafos logs --tail to see realtime updates.