
everything that's old is new, and everything that's new is old

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


These are my dotfiles. There are many like it, but these are mine. My dotfiles are my best friend. They are my life. I must master them as I must master my life.


  • Is pretty. Tuned iTerm2 colorscheme + powerline fonts + jellybeans colorscheme + unified shell and tmux style = neato burrito.
  • Mostly performant. Most language-specific vim plugins lazily loaded, scm shell sigils optimized for speed.
  • Linux + OS X. Specific configs for programs like tmux conditionally loaded.

Initial Installation

These dotfiles are laid out for installation and management with homeshick. While this repo contains standalone configuration files for various tools, there are some additional repositories that should be installed via homeshick as dependencies. Not all of these are strictly required.

$ git clone git://github.com/andsens/homeshick.git $HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick
$ source "$HOME/.homesick/repos/homeshick/homeshick.sh"
$ for castle in syl20bnr/spacemacs \
                rbenv/rbenv \
                rbenv/ruby-build \
                robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh \
                zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting \
                lukechilds/zsh-nvm \
                junegunn/vim-plug \
                sjl/badwolf \
                tomasr/molokai \
                pyenv/pyenv ; do homeshick clone --batch $castle ; done

Log out of the shell, log in again.

$ vim -c PlugInstall -c qa
# Or, for neovim
$ nvim -c PlugInstall -c qa