
Generate somewhat-realistic sample HTTP traffic.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Example Screenshot


reqsample is a utility to generate somewhat-realistic public HTTP traffic. If you've ever needed a large corpus of Apache or nginx logs to test geoip processing, a Logstash pipeline, or as the source for a demo; this utility is for you.

Data is sampled from publicly available data (sources noted in the credits section) and, whenever possible, the frequency of various datasets is observed and reflected in the random data. For example, Chrome will appear frequently in the User-Agent string since it is a common browser, and the most common source IPs originate from China due to the high amount of traffic observed from the country.

Note that fine-tuning the generation scheme requires munging with the normal distribution curve and a few other tricky parameters, but usable defaults are used out-of-the-box.


Generate 1,000 combined Apache log-formatted log entries, spanning the last 24 hours which peak 12 hours ago, and print them all to stdout:

$ gem install reqsample
$ reqsample

See reqsample help for a list of commands, flags, and options.


  • Weighted sampling for country of origin, user agents, and response codes to simulate real traffic.
  • Usable in standalone command form or as a Ruby library.
  • Ability to generate all traffic at once in bulk or streamed over time.
  • Frequency and count of request events following a statistically normal distribution.

There are several different parameters that can be changed to modify how data is generated. In general:

  • A number of logs to be generated over a given period needs to be chosen, which by default is 1,000.
  • These many log events are generated over a normal distribution curve, with a configurable peak, standard deviation, and time cutoff - defaults are chosen with the assumption that you want to generate 1,000 logs over the previous 24 hours.
    • The peak is 12 hours ago by default.
    • The standard deviation is set to 4 by default, which translates to 4 hours in the logic of the random generation.
    • The normal distribution of log data is truncated at 12 hours by default, which means all logs will fall within some timestamp within the past 24 hours.


There are two methods to use reqsample, either through the installed executable or as a library.

Command-Line Utility

Stream 5,000 log events to stdout with a tighter standard deviation:

reqsample stream --count 5000 --stdev 1

Ruby Library

The ReqSample::Generator class needs to be instantiated first, which parses and sets up several enumerables from which values will be sampled.

gen = ReqSample::Generator.new

The produce method is the central way to generate log values:


Will return an array of logs with the previously mentioned parameters. If a block is given to the produce method, the results will instead be streamed to the block by yielding each log event, simulating live incoming traffic.


$ gem install reqsample


Standard bundler practices are used, setup your environment with bundle install and use bundle exec rake test to run the still-incomplete test suite.

Note that all of the source data is retrieved with rake tasks and vendored into the final library to avoid continually retrieving and parsing sources. See rake -T for what the tasks are and potentially re-run them if needed.



Copyright (c) 2017 Tyler Langlois

See LICENSE.txt for details.