Automatically creates a collection of element references keyed from the ID attribute of all page elements
Comes in handy when writing Electron apps, OS X Cocoa apps with webviews, websites... basically anything that uses HTML / JS / CSS as the view. The module queries all DOM elements with an id attribute and stores reference to that element in a collection keyed off the camel-cased id value.
For example, assuming the markup below:
<div id="container">
<div id="main-title"></div>
allows us to access all elements with an id
attribute without writing queries (or querying the DOM):
var dom = require('auto-id');
// IMPORTANT: If using a shared instance (the default behavior illustrated above),
// we probably need to "refresh" our instance since it was likely instantiated before
// our DOM was drawn...
// Now we have reference to the elements with ID attributes: = '#333';
// Note a kebab-cased ID becomes camelCased
dom.mainTitle.textContent = 'New text here';
// We add an element to the DOM
// We need to refresh our instance before we will have a
// reference to it - this is where shared instances provide
// additional value in terms of use and performance
// Use the reference liberally without performance concerns
dom.someElementsId.visibility = 'visible';
Install via npm:
$ npm i auto-id --save
By default, this module exports a shared instance.
The constructor can be accessed via the export's AutoId
property (see below).
To access the shared instance (probably what you want):
var dom = require('auto-id'); = 'scale(2)';
Access the constructor:
var AutoId = require('auto-id').AutoId;
var dom = new AutoId(); = 'scale(2)';
Tests are written in tape
$ npm test
Test coverage is provided via Istanbul
$ npm run coverage