
Event-emitting time keeper for browser friendly render cycles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

100% test coverage


Event-emitting time keeper for browser friendly render cycles

Browser-based module that fires events at a given interval to facilitate interactions on a timeline. Tries to help facilitate measure/render grouping by firing two separate events at different moments in the process tick.

  • The update event is when any measurement or calculations should occur.
  • The render event is when the results of any measurements are applied to the DOM.


Install via npm:

$ npm i ticker-js --save


All properties should be accessed via the getter and setter methods.

method params description
start Starts the instance, firing its events
stop Stops the instance, stopping events from firing
setFps number: fps Throttles the ticker to the passed value
getFps Returns the current fps setting as a number or null
isTicking Returns boolean indicating if the instance is running
destroy Destroys the instance, removing all listeners


All events pass the same event object defined below.

event description
update DOM measurements and calculations should occur when fired.
render DOM modification should occur when fired.

Event object

The two events pass listeners an event object as defined below.

type name description
@property {object} data event data object
@property {number} data.fps frames per second
@property {number} data.trueFps un-throttled frames per second
@property {number} data.runtime the total duration of the ticker while ticking
@property {number} data.delta time since last render
@property {number} data.time current lifespan of render cycle
@property {number} data.now current time


Instantiate and attach any listeners.

var Ticker = require('ticker-js');
var ticker = new Ticker(30);

ticker.on('update', function (evt) {
  // measure

ticker.on('render', function (evt) {
  // render

Instances do not auto-run. You must call the start method for the events to begin firing.


Once running, the update and render events will begin firing at the ticker's fps interval. If fps is unset, the ticker is not throttled, and will tick as close to 60 fps as possible.