
A simple SMTP server that saves mails to a directory instead of sending them

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A simple SMTP server that saves mails to a directory instead of sending them


fakesmtp.py [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] maildir

Start a simple SMTP server that saves mails to a directory instead of sending them

positional arguments:
  maildir               directory to save mails to

optional arguments:
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        address to listen on, default is localhost
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port to listen on, default is 25

As a daemon

This demonstrates adding a systemd unit to run the script as a daemon. These instructions are for Debian 8, but should (?) work on any distribution using systemd.

To configure your daemon (paths, address and port, user), look at fakesmtp.service after you've copied it to /etc/systemd/system/. For example, if you wanted it to listen to the outside world you would change the ExecStart= line to ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/fakesmtp -a -p 2525 /var/lib/fakesmtp/mail

Do this as root, or prefix each command with sudo:

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/tylerlm/fakesmtp.git /opt/fakesmtp
  2. Symlink the script into /usr/local/bin: ln -s /opt/fakesmtp/fakesmtp.py /usr/local/bin/fakesmtp
  3. Create a system user: useradd -rU fakesmtp
  4. Create a directory for the mails: mkdir -p /var/lib/fakesmtp/mail
  5. chown -R fakesmtp:fakesmtp /var/lib/fakesmtp
  6. Copy the systemd unit file: cp /opt/fakesmtp/fakesmtp.service /etc/systemd/system/
  7. Take a look at /etc/systemd/system/fakesmtp.service and make sure paths/addresses/ports/user are correct.
  8. systemctl enable fakesmtp.service

Run service fakesmtp start to bring up the fakesmtp daemon, it defaults to localhost:2525 saving mails to /var/lib/fakesmtp/mail. service fakesmtp stop stops it, service fakesmtp status will tell you its status.

If you edit the *.service file, make sure you do systemctl daemon-reload; service fakesmtp restart.

Test emails

Use send_test_email.py to send a quick lorem-ipsum-filled test email.

send_test_email.py [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-f SENDER] [-t RECIPIENT] [-s SUBJECT]

Send a test email to a given SMTP server

optional arguments:
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        address to send to, default is localhost
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port to send to, default is 25
  -f SENDER, --sender SENDER
                        email sender, default is sender@example.com
  -t RECIPIENT, --recipient RECIPIENT
                        email recipient, default is recipient@example.com
  -s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
                        email subject, default is Test Email 20170101-000000


Original script by Stuart Colville. Forked from Jevin. Argument parsing adapted from a fork by David Volquartz Lebech.