
Primary LanguageTypeScript


manate is short for "manage state". (pronunciation is close to "many-it") It is the most straightforward way to manage global state in React.

What's the value of manate?

It supports TypeScript very well.

It is very straightforward to use. You don't need to learn any new concepts.

It allows you to maintain your app state in OOP style.
I am not saying that OOP style is the best practice for state management. But if do want to code your state in OOP style, you should give this library a try.

Merely 200+ lines of code. There is no rocket science in this library.


yarn add manate


Create the state

import { manage } from 'manate';

class Store {
  count = 0;
  increase() {
    this.count += 1;
const store = manage(new Store());


import { auto } from 'manate/react';

const App = auto((props: { store: Store }) => {
  const { store } = props;
  return (
      <Button onClick={() => store.decrease()}>-</Button>
      <Button onClick={() => store.increase()}>+</Button>

It's fully compatible with React hooks.

Event Emitter

import { manage } from 'manate';
import { ManateEvent } from 'manate/models';

class Store {}
const store = manage(new Store());

store.$e is an EventEmitter which will emit events about read/write to store. You can subscribe to events:

store.$e.on((event: ManateEvent) => {
  // do something with event

Please note that, this EventEmitter is not the same as EventEmitter in Node.js. It's a custom implementation.

Reference but do not track

Sometimes we only want to keep a reference to an object, but we don't want to track its changes.

You may exclude it from being tracked.

import { exclude, manage } from 'manate';

class B {
  public c = 1;
class A {
  public b = exclude(new B());

const a = new A();
const ma = manage(a);
ma.b.c = 4; // will not trigger a set event because `ma.b` is excluded.

You may invoke the exclude method at any time:

class B {
  public c = 1;
class A {
  public b;

const a = new A();
const b = new B();
a.b = b;
const ma = manage(a);

You may invoke the exlcude method before or after you manage the object:

class B {
  public c = 1;
class A {
  public b;

const a = new A();
const b = new B();
a.b = b;
const ma = manage(a);

For more details, please refer to the test cases in ./test/exclude.spec.ts.

Utility methods


The signature of run is

function run<T>(managed: Managed<T>, func: Function): [result: any, isTrigger: (event: ManateEvent) => boolean];
  • managed is generated from manage method: const managed = manage(store).
  • func is a function which reads managed.
  • result is the result of func().
  • isTrigger is a function which returns true if an event will "trigger" func() to have a different result.
    • when it returns true, most likely it's time to run func() again(because you will get a different result from last time).

When you invoke run(managed, func), func() is invoked immediately. You can subscribe to managed.$e and filter the events using isTrigger to get the trigger events (to run func() again).

For a sample usage of run, please check ./src/react.ts.

Another example is the implementation of the autoRun utility method. You may find it in ./src/index.ts.


The signature of autoRun is

function autoRun<T>(
  managed: Managed<T>,
  func: () => void,
  decorator?: (func: () => void) => () => void,
): { start: () => void; stop: () => void };
  • managed is generated from manage method: const managed = manage(store).
  • func is a function which reads managed.
  • decorator is a method to change run schedule of func, for example: func => _.debounce(func, 10, {leading: true, trailing: true})
  • start and stop is to start and stop autoRun.

When you invoke start(), func() is invoked immediately. func() will be invoked automatically afterwards if there are trigger events from managed which change the result of func(). Invoke stop to stop autoRun.

For sample usages of autoRun, please check ./test/autoRun.spec.ts.

Question #1: why not use autoRun to support React hooks?

Well, actually it is possible and implementation is even shorter and simpler:

const auto = (render, props): JSX.Element | null => {
  const [r, refresh] = useState(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    const managed = manage(props);
    const { start, stop } = autoRun(managed, () => {
    return () => {
  }, []);
  return r;

Short answer: it's a bad practice to generate the result of render in useEffect.

Big problem is:upstream components cannot invoke render, because render is inside useEffect. So upstream useState becomes useless.

So is there a way to run autoRun out of useEffect? Nope, because autoRun by design is long running process and has side effects. It's not a good idea to run autoRun for every render. run is more suitable for this case.

Question #2: why use run to support React hooks?

According to the analysis above, if we want to support upstream component's useState and strictMode, we must run render outside useEffect. However, run requires a managed object. Building such a managed object has side effects. And when to dispose side effects? If we cannot answer this question, we cannot use run. After investigation, I found that useRef can be used to dispose the side effects created in last render.

React Strict Mode

Ref: https://react.dev/reference/react/StrictMode

For functional components, StrictMode will run useEffect, then cleanup, then run useEffect again.

For class components, StrictMode will run componentDidMount, then componentWillUnmount, then componentDidMount again. If componentDidMount is undefined, it will run neither. However, we cannot assume that componentDidMount is undefined.

For both cases, we do need the dispose logic in componentWillUnmount or useEffect cleanup. If we want to support StrictMode, we must write some setup code in useEffect and componentDidMount. Otherwise, dispose without re-setup, it won't work.

For more details, please refer to ./src/react.ts.

useState(boolean) to re-render

It's a bad idea. Because boolean has only two values. If you want to trigger even number of re-render, the result is no re-render at all. Because b === !!b.

So we use useState(integer) to re-render.

Development Notes

  • every emitter.on() must have a corresponding emitter.off(). Otherwise there will be memory leak.
    • you also don't have to on and off again and again. Sometimes you just on and let it on until user explicit it request it to be off.
  • run and autoRun only support sync methods. for async methods, make sure that the async part is irrelevant because it won't be monitored.
  • rewrite some emitter.on to promise.
    • the idea is great, but it will turn the library from sync to async, which will cause unexpected consequences.
    • React.render, EventEmitter.on, rxjs.observable.next are all sync, there must be a good reason to stay with sync.


Known limitations

  • It only monitors get and set of properties. It doesn't monitor delete, has and keys.
    • Because in 99.9% cases, get & set are sufficient to monitor and manage data.
  • It doesn't monitor built-in objects, such as Set, Map and RTCPeerConnection.
  • autoRun doesn't monitor brand new properties. It only monitors existing properties.
    • workaround: pre-define all properties in the object. Event it doesn't have value yet, set it to null. null is better than undefined because undefined is not a valid value for JSON string.