
SQL => Email

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SQL => Email


I've frequently run into the issue of wanting to email a subset of users out of a database. Usually I just run a query, and write a script to look though and send the notification. But I figured I could build a better solution!

Right now there's no DB attached. Data connections/keys are stored in local storage, and sent along with queries. Will work on user permanence later.

Getting started:

This is a Node/React/Postgres monorepo wrangled with Lerna.

git clone https://github.com/tylermaran/pigeon.git

lerna bootstrap

npm run dev


  • Add a database / user permanence
  • Probably use this for the code highlighting: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-syntax-highlighter
  • Build out generic Datasouce (i.e. custom GET request)
  • Build out generic provider (i.e. custom POST request)
  • Add post send webhook (ex: log notification history back to db)
  • Add optional JS pre-steps (i.e. format data between SQL query and send)
  • MySQL support
  • Schedule send
  • Email history
  • Accept incoming webhooks (i.e. delivery receipts)
  • Db hooks, send a notification when a data source changes