
Conversion program for hipo files into root files

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Conversion program from hipo to root format.

To build:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/tylern4/hipo2root.git
cd hipo2root
# Use ./make_hipo2root.py --help for more options
# Look below on how to define your own bank structure

Choosing banks:

To choose which banks you would like, instead of copying over all the banks you can use a json file to define which banks you use. There is an example in bankdefs/rec_particle.json. To build with specific banks just run:

./make_hipo2root.py --json bankdefs/rec_particle.json

To use

./hipo2root infile.hipo outfile.root


Taking a skimmed dst file and converting it on Ubuntu 17.10, Intel(R) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, reading and writing to a ssd.

hipo root
14G 11G
Conversion time Events/Sec
4080 seconds 1759 Hz