Information Retrieval WS 16/17
- 01 IMDB Spider
- BJ: B&J's version
- queries: executes all queries
- threading: attempt to realize the queries and the spider with the help of multithreading
- 02 Boolean Information Retrieval
- ue_inforet_bool: uses the the libraries from trove (
- ue_inforet_bool_bj: tries to implement a positional index, unfinished and does not work
- ue_inforet_bool_variant: standard java libs
- 03 Boolean Information Retrieval with Lucene
- ue_inforet_bool_study: standard java libs
- ue_inforet_bool_study_variant: builds lucene's index with multithreading
- 04 Synonym Expansion with Lucene and WordNet
- ue_inforet_bool_wordnet_study: standard java libs, different approach to build the synsets and parse the query
- ue_inforet_bool_wordnet_study_variant: uses the trove libraries for the synsets, builds lucene's index with multithreading
- 05 Finding Frequent Word Co-Occurrences
- ue_inforet_cooccurrences: uses trove libraries and an extra class for the bigram data structure
- ue_inforet_cooccurrences_std: uses standard java libs and an extra class for the bigram data structure
- ue_inforet_cooccurrences_variant: uses trove libraries
- ue_inforet_cooccurrences_threading: uses multithreading
02 - 05 requires the plot.list file:, 04 requires the wordnet dictionary:
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